服务中心英文(service center中文翻译,service center是什么意思,service center发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-22 19:32小编

 服务中心英文(service center中文翻译,service center是什么意思,service center发音、用法及例句)

service center发音

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service center中文意思翻译



service center双语使用场景

1、The service center mansion gathers a dining, amusement at the integral whole.───服务中心大楼集餐饮 、 娱乐于一体.

2、Yes, please. I'm looking for the Service Center.───是的,请问服务中心在哪里?

3、Sure, the red building over there is the community service center.───有的, 那边的那栋红楼就是社区服务中心.

4、Current, service center of client of Lake City has many 900 stuff.───目前, 盐湖城客户服务中心拥有900多名员工.

5、Investigate complaints related to Guest Service Center and takes appropriate actions immediately.───调查所有关于宾客服务中心的投诉并立即采取适当的行动.

6、Can I help you? Yes, please . I'm looking for the Service Center.───需要我帮助 吗 ?是的, 请问服务中心在哪里?

7、And there is a community service center in our area.───在我们这块地区还有一家小区服务中心.

8、Bridge Service Center, carving down there looking down at the head.───桥拱中心处雕有向下俯视的龙头.

9、Our office is next to the TEDA Investment Service Center.───天津开发区投资服务中心位于宏达街19号.

10、Our Housework Service Center is a unit under the Taicang Women's Federation.───太仓市巾帼服务中心是隶属于市妇联的家政中介机构.

11、Setting 1 A worried mother went to the Visitor Service Center.───情景模拟1一位焦急的母亲来到参观者服务点.

12、Freight Forwarders ( Sales: North Lung transportation service center in Shanghai to operate ).───货运代理 ( 限: 上海北隆运输服务中心内经营 ).

13、Finally I called Ambank Customer Service Center & told them the incident.───最后,我呼吁大马银行客户服务中心 和 告诉他们事件.

14、He's been transferred to the Lincoln Service Center, extension 4113.───他已被调到林肯服务中心, 内线号码是4113.

15、Yes, please. I’m looking for the Service Center。───您可以在客服中心购买。

16、New brush assemblies are available at your local DEWALT certified service center.───得伟认证的维修中心有新碳刷组建销售.

service center相似词语短语

1、service centers───[经]服务中心;计算中心

2、service centres───服务中心;维修基地

3、nerve centers───神经中枢;神经元

4、nerve center───神经中枢;神经元

5、service centre───服务中心;维修基地

6、service sectors───n.服务部门

7、service sector───服务部门,服务行业;服务业

8、civic center───市中心;市府大厦

9、service line───发球线,发球界线


