aimyon(i smell中文翻译,i smell是什么意思,i smell发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-22 23:50小编

 aimyon(i smell中文翻译,i smell是什么意思,i smell发音、用法及例句)

i smell发音

英:  美:

i smell中文意思翻译



i smell双语使用场景

1、It's very unlike Harry to be so friendly and I smell a rat-I wonder what he wants?───哈里不可能会这般友好,我觉得事情有些蹊跷——我不知道他想干什么?

2、I smell a rat.───我觉得事情不妙。

3、Maybe he won't yell at me if I smell like a flower.───也许我闻起来像鲜花一样,他就不会朝我大喊大叫了。

4、Okmju: I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare. All day long I seem to walk on air.───没有人我听到了歌唱没有树我闻到了花香一整天我仿佛在空中漫步为什么,我好想知道为什么。

5、Even now I smell bread baking.───现在我还能闻到烤面包的香味呢。

6、He said he couldn't come into work because he was ill, but I smell something fishy and think he went to see the last day of the Test Match.───他说因为他病了不能来上班,不过我有点怀疑,我认为他是去看最后果一天的各国家队间的决赛了。

7、I smell mice, come out.───我闻到老鼠了,出来。

8、You 're just in Love I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare . All day long I seem to walk on air .───没有人我却听到了歌声光秃的树我却闻到了花香我整天仿佛在空中漫步为什么,我困惑这是为什么。

9、"I smell of you, " he said, sniffing at his fingers and grinning.───“我闻得到你,”他说,嗅了嗅他的指尖笑了。

i smell相似词语短语


2、to spell───拼


4、to smelt───嗅

5、to smell───闻


7、to shell───去壳

8、faint smell───微弱的气味

9、acrid smell───刺鼻的气味


一般现在时,It smells good一般过去时,it smelled (smelt)bad yestersay 现在进行时。

Are you smelling sth ?过去进行时,You were smelling sth last night 现在完成时i have smelled the delicious cake 过去完成时 i had semlled the delicious cake 一般将来 i am going to smell the delicious cake 过去将来i promised that i would smell the delicious cake in the near future
