gender bias中文翻译,gender bias是什么意思,gender bias发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-23 07:39小编

 gender bias中文翻译,gender bias是什么意思,gender bias发音、用法及例句

gender bias发音

英:  美:

gender bias中文意思翻译


性别歧视; 性别偏差


gender bias双语使用场景

1、all kinds of social phenomena ( including gender bias) are bound to be reflected in language.───包括性别偏见在内的种种社会现象必然在语言中有所体现。

2、Gender bias is a touchy subject, especially because women have been denied their freedoms and have been abused for millennia.───性别偏见是一个敏感的话题,特别是因为妇女被剥夺自由被滥用,有数年历史。

3、In today's educational reality, a lot of gender bias in teaching language is still worthy of research and reflection.───在当今教育现实中,教师教学语言中仍然存在的大量性别偏见问题值得研究与反思。

4、Do Some Majors Have a Gender Bias?───在某些专业存在性别偏见 吗 ?

5、To avoid gender-bias charges, the Husband Store's owner opens a New Wife Store just across the street.───为了避免被告性别歧视,这件丈夫店的所有者在街对面开了一家妻子店。

6、To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives store just across the street.───别人指责性别歧视,店主在街对面又开了家“老婆商店”。

7、In the wake of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, radiation could once again lead to a gender bias in humans, he said.───在日本福岛核电厂事故中,辐射可能会再次导致人类性别失衡,他说。

gender bias相似词语短语

1、fender piles───防撞桩;护桩;[船]护舷桩

2、gender roles───性别角色


4、gender biases───性别歧视;性别偏差

5、gender gaps───性别差异

6、gender benders───不男不女的人;变性人;转换器

7、center bits───中心位

8、gender gap───性别差异

9、gender studies───性别研究



You can have bias in the children, but you should not discrimination on them due to their color or ability. 你可以对孩子有偏见,但你不应该因为他们的肤色或能力而歧视他们。
