request date(requested date中文翻译,requested date是什么意思,requested date发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-23 07:39小编

 request date(requested date中文翻译,requested date是什么意思,requested date发音、用法及例句)

requested date发音

英:  美:

requested date中文意思翻译



requested date双语使用场景

1、Until a requested date is accepted, the match date is not changed.───除非双方同意了新的安排,比赛日期不会更改。

2、What if the requested date is today or in the future?───如果所请求的日期是当日或将来的时间,该如何处理?

3、If no prediction is available in the database for a requested date, the WeatherPredictor generates a random prediction (rather like real-life weather forecasts) and saves it in the database.───如果数据库中没有适用于请求日期的预报,那么WeatherPredictor会随机生成天气预测(与实际的天气预报不同),并将它保存到数据库中。

4、To monitor and coordinate the first stages of order to delivery on the requested date.───跟踪及协调试产阶段的订单直至按指定交期交货。

5、The servlet will extract the value of this parameter to determine how to format the requested date.───servlet 会提取这个参数的值以确定如何编排所请求的日期的格式。

requested date相似词语短语

1、renewal date───更新日期;续签日期

2、doubled date───两对男女一起的约会

3、Jerusalem date───耶路撒冷日期

4、request stop───招呼站;[计]请求停机



7、release date───发布日期;发行日期;出厂日期

8、Chinese date───n.枣



Where “N” is the week number in which the cancellation notice is provided.

Supplier must usual good faith efforts to dispose of any Materials prior to seeking compensation under this section. For any rescheduled orders that are later cancelled, the original requested delivery date will apply for determining liability under this section.

