strip off中文翻译,strip off是什么意思,strip off发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-24 08:06小编

 strip off中文翻译,strip off是什么意思,strip off发音、用法及例句

strip off发音

英:  美:

strip off中文意思翻译

去掉[剥去]某物的表皮; <非正>揭开(伪装); 脱掉(衣服); 劈


strip off双语使用场景

1、The paint will be difficult to strip off.───这些油漆很难被剥掉.

2、With them, you strip off the girls , piece by piece.───从推动操控杆并让女郎身上的标记旋转.

3、The joiner shaved a thin strip off the edge of the door.───细木工把门檐刨掉薄薄一层.

4、I strip off my clothes and stash them in a locker.───我脱下衣服,存放在抽屉里.

5、Strip off that awful wallpaper and fill the cracks with plaster.───剥掉那张难看的糊墙纸,用灰泥把缝隙填好.

6、So I start by trying to strip off the parts of my conscious life that I know I won't have when I'm dead.───所以我决定开始剥离那些,我知道死后不会有的,有意识的生活的各个部分。

7、Strip off the mask.───剥去伪装.

8、Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with?───揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?

9、Please strip off the paint from the wall.───请剥去墙上的油漆.

10、Some tar variants include support to strip off the leading forward slash, enabling you to extract the files anywhere.───有些 tar 变种可以去掉开头的正斜杠,这使得您可以将文件提取到任何位置。

11、I take an entrance, strip off the dress.───我走到门口, 脱光衣服.

12、We strip off the dress to be hit to the street!───要打,我们脱光衣服到街上去打!

13、You strip off me bind up in the bed.───你把我脱光绑在床上.

14、If you can strip off that false manner she has, you will quite like her.───你要是能揭开她那装模作样的假象, 你会很喜欢她的.

15、To slice long objects like carrots, cut a thin strip off one side so the carrot will lie flat on the board.───要把胡萝卜这种长条状的食材切成片,那先从一侧切掉薄薄的一条,这样就能让胡萝卜稳稳当当地呆在刀板上了。

16、She will strip off all of her clothes in the movie.───她会在**中脱去所有的衣服.

17、Flay: To strip off the skin or outer covering of.───剥皮剥去皮或表部表层.

18、Who can strip off his outer garment, or penetrate his double corselet?───谁能揭开它的外衣, 谁能穿透它双层的鳞甲?

strip off相似词语短语

1、to strip off───脱光

2、rip off───偷窃;扯掉;欺诈;剥削

3、tip off───向…透露消息,泄密;暗中通知某人

4、stop off───中途停留

5、skip off───偷偷溜走;悄悄溜掉

6、strips off───脱衣;脱去;剥落

7、stripped off───脱衣;脱去;剥落

8、strip out───拿走所有东西;剥除;剔除

9、strike off───砍掉;勾销;击断;印刷;轻易做成


读音为:pá náo

[ bā ]

1. 抓住,把着:扒车。扒墙头儿。

2. 刨开,挖:扒坑。扒堤。

3. 剥,脱:扒皮。扒掉伪装。

4. 拔:勿剪勿扒。

5. 拨动:扒拉。扒开草棵。

[ pá ]

1. 用耙搂,聚拢:扒草。

2. 搔,抓:扒痒。

3. 炖烂,煨烂:扒羊肉。




