in the distance中文翻译,in the distance是什么意思,in the distance发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-25 10:03小编

 in the distance中文翻译,in the distance是什么意思,in the distance发音、用法及例句

in the distance发音

英:  美:

in the distance中文意思翻译



in the distance双语使用场景

1、Somebody is calling us in the distance.───远处有人在呼唤我们.

2、Thunder rumbled in the distance.───远处雷声咕隆咕隆地响.

3、The ship was now just a speck in the distance.───此时,那艘船不过是远处的一个小点。

4、African runners swept the medals in the distance events.───在中长跑比赛中,非洲选手囊括了所有的獎牌.

5、I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.───我听到远处雷声隆隆.

6、It's vast and hazy in the distance.───远处一片迷茫

7、He was the first to spy the horseman in the distance.───他最先看到出现在远处的骑者.

8、Finally he caught sight of the young man's light overcoat in the distance.───他总算在远处看见了那个年轻人穿的浅色外套.

9、Far in the distance lies the Dongting Lake , a vast expanse of misty , rolling waters.───远望洞庭, 烟波浩渺.

10、There is a reach of grassland in the distance.───远处是连绵一片的草原.

11、The sea was plainly visible in the distance.───大海远远地清晰可见。

12、A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.───一个灯塔在远处闪着光.

13、The wail of the bagpipe could be heard in the distance.───远远地能听到风笛的呜咽。

14、In the distance loomed a towering mountain.───在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见.

15、The big guns rumbled in the distance.───远处炮火轰鸣.

16、Mountains rose in the distance.───远处山峦叠起。

17、A peal of church bells rang out in the distance.───远处响起了一阵教堂的钟声。

18、The outline of the mountain in the distance is dim.───远处山脉的轮廓隐隐约约.

19、A myriad of lights twinkled like stars in the distance.───远处有无数盏灯像星星一样闪烁.

20、He heard the horse's neigh in the distance.───他听到远处马嘶声.

21、We saw lights in the distance.───我们看到了远处的点点灯光。

22、The sound of the car died away in the distance.───小轿车发出的噪音消逝在远处.

23、We heard thunder growling in the distance.───我们听见远处有隆隆雷声.

24、In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.───远方的天空开始泛白。

25、A plane was droning in the distance.───飞机在远处嗡嗡地响。

26、Some hills loomed in the distance.───远处影影绰绰地有一些小山.

27、We spied three figures in the distance.───我们望见远处有三个人影儿.

28、The sounds of music grew fainter in the distance.───音乐的声音在远处逐渐变得微弱了.

29、I made out three figures moving in the distance.───我隐约看出远处有三个人影在移动.

30、I seemed to hear a voice in the distance.───我好象听到远处有说话声.

31、She catches a glimpse of a car in the distance.───她一眼就瞥见了远处的汽车.

32、Somewhere in the distance a siren hooted.───远处某个地方响起了警报声。

in the distance相似词语短语

1、in the first instance───首先;起初;在初审时

2、in the balance───悬而未决;在危急状态中

3、the distance───远方(**名,TheDistance)

4、in the abstract───抽象地;理论上;概括地

5、zenith distance───n.天顶角距

6、zenith distances───n.天顶角距

7、aesthetic distance───审美距离

8、close the distance───拉近距离

9、go the distance───永不放弃;去向远方;继续跑完全程





