collision detection中文翻译,collision detection是什么意思,collision detection发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-26 14:48小编

 collision detection中文翻译,collision detection是什么意思,collision detection发音、用法及例句

collision detection发音

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collision detection中文意思翻译



collision detection双语使用场景

1、Among the mesh character distilling methods, collision detection is a basic and initial one.───从网格特征提取的角度看, 碰撞检测是三维模型特征提取中最初的、最基本的测试过程.

2、Collision detection is a key technique in virtual ramble.───碰撞检测是虚拟漫游中的关键技术.

3、Accurate collision detection based on distance comparing among discrete points method is researched and implemented.───在初步干涉检测的基础上,研究了基于离散点距离比较的精确干涉检测方法.

4、In network context : Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection.───带有冲突检测的载波侦听多路存取.

5、Collision detection is the choke point of roam in 3 D scene.───碰撞检测问题是三维场景漫游的技术难点.

6、In this paper, a parallel collision detection algorithm is presented.───提出了一种基于并行的快速碰撞检测算法.

7、A parallel collision detection algorithm is presented.───提出一种基于并行的碰撞检测算法.

8、However, the process of collision detection is important.───然而, 碰撞检测的过程是重要的.

9、collision detection works now.───现在碰撞检测可以起作用了。

10、At last a simulating demo we realize the collision detection between two rigid bodies.───最后模拟实现了两个刚体对象间的碰撞检测过程.

11、They can be used for collision detection or avoidance.───它们可以被用在碰撞检测或规避上。

12、In this way, collision detection and response in the Irrlicht engine is really easy.───在Irrlicht引擎中使用冲突检测与响应就非常、非常地简单。

collision detection相似词语短语

1、collision diameters───[化学]碰撞直径

2、avoid detection───避免被发现

3、collision diameter───[化学]碰撞直径

4、collision density───碰撞密度

5、conversion reaction───转换反应

6、motion detector───运动检测器

7、collagen injection───胶原注射

8、collision densities───碰撞密度


collision detection是什么,意思?

collision detection[英][kəˈliʒən diˈtekʃən][美][kəˈlɪʒən dɪˈtɛkʃən]冲突检出;
