1、ICVE的英文全称:International Consortium for Venture Expertise (University of Victoria; British Columbia, Canada) | 中文意思:───创业专门知识的国际财团(维多利亚大学;加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省)
2、ICVE的英文全称:International Conference on Vacuum Electronics | 中文意思:───国际真空电子学会议
3、ICVE的英文全称:International Conservation Volunteer Exchange (Nevada) | 中文意思:───国际环境保护志愿者协会交流(内华达州)
acticve companies什么意思
MICE is (a new) word(新兴词汇,大型的公司有目的出游), which stands for Meeting, Incentive travel, Convention/Conference and Event/Exhibition. In contrast to normal group travel, the tour has a goal (purpose). While the goal (purpose) may differ depending on the company, MICE has attracted attention in recent years as a corporate strategy placing emphasis on achieving goals.
M -- meeting(聚会), I -- Incentive travel(有动机出游), C -- conference(会议), E-- Exhibition(展览)
MICE大型的公司集体有目的出游, 而Mice companies是承接这类旅游的公司。
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