live through中文翻译,live through是什么意思,live through发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-05-11 10:21小编

 live through中文翻译,live through是什么意思,live through发音、用法及例句

live through发音

英:  美:

live through中文意思翻译




live through双语使用场景

1、He will not live through the night , ie He will die before morning.───他活不过今天夜里了.

2、The old lady is not likely to live through the winter.───那位老妇人不大可能活过这个冬天。

3、Clarice Starling : Do right and you'll live through this.───克拉丽斯: 老实点你会经受住的.

4、Clarice Starling : Do right, and you will live through this.───克拉丽斯: 老实点, 你会经受住的.

5、The old woman is not likely to live through the winter.───那位老妇人不大可能活过这个冬天.

6、These books will live through out the ages.───这些书将是传世之作.

7、Okay, I again, what's the worst I can live through?───好吧, 我再想想, 我能承受的最糟的情况是 什么 ?这个问题我不太满意.

8、He knew what he must live through that night.───他知道当晚免不了会有场遭遇.

9、He will not live through the night.───他活不过今天夜里了。

10、The doctor doubted whether the patient would live through that month.───医生拿不准那个病人是否能活过那个月.

11、We'll have to just live through it.───我们只有忍耐下去了.

12、Life isn't about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.───生活不是如何度过暴风雨,而是如何在雨中起舞。

13、I doubt if Grandmother will live through the night.───我看祖母怕是活不过今晚了.

14、She would not live through the shock.───她受了这个刺激会活不成.

15、Will he live through the night?───他能活过今天晚上 吗 ?

16、Also, Super Volcanoes wonders if the human race would be able to live through this disaster.───同时, 《超级火山》也怀疑人类是否能渡过此劫.

17、Can he live through the night?───他能活得过今夜 吗 ?

18、He lives and will live through memory of all generations.───他在所有时代的记忆中,活着并将继续活着.

live through相似词语短语

1、lives through───通过

2、come through───经历;安然度过;获得成功

3、to live through───活下去

4、slips through───蒙混过关;溜走;滑过

5、came through───经历;安然度过;获得成功

6、click through───点击次数;点击某一链接的行为

7、lived through───度过;经受过

8、living through───度过;经受过


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