Task 1
The school decided to cancel the long summer vocation. So students have to attend school all year with some short breaks during holidays. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain the reasons.
Task 2
The best decision is made by groups or by individuals? Please give your explanations and examples.
Task 3
标题: Campus Book Club for students who stay in school during summer vocation
原因1 : students can make good use of their extra time.
原因2:have students keep socially connected.
原因1:Students who stay in school during summer vocation actually have many classes and they are very busy. So there is not much extra time and students will not be interested in this club.
原因2: There are many other opportunities on campus that can get students socially connected like trips, movie nights. So this club is not necessary.
Task 4
标题:illusion of Control
定义: People overestimate their effect on some random events which are actually not under their control,especially when they get some benefits.
例子: Two groups of people were made to flip the switch of light, and the light is programed on and off randomly. The difference is the second group of people were rewarded some money if the light is on. Some of the first group think light on and flipping switch has connection, while others don’t. Most of the people in second group think there is a connection.
Task 5
问题: The boy has an orientation weekend for his new company in NYC and graduation ceremony for school in the same weekend.
解决方案1:Go the orientation weekend
缺点 : Graduation ceremony is very important and he wants to attend
解决方案2:Go the graduation ceremony
缺点:He doesn’t want to miss the chance to get to knew his coworker
Task 6
话题: Small prey looks bigger
要点1:Predators like small preys because they seem to be an easy meal. So preys have some methods to make themselves apparently larger.
例子1:A kind of fish with flexible skin can swallow seawater to appears bigger.
要点2:Preys have some methods to make themselves apparently larger by using environment.
例子2:A kind of spider can take advantage of the silk on web to make the legs longer.