
新闻资讯2024-06-10 21:25小乐


Part 1 听力(共两部分,满分30分)


请听下面的5 个对话。每次对话后都有一个小问题。从问题中给出的A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。听完每个对话后,您有10 秒钟的时间回答相关问题并阅读下一个问题。每个对话仅阅读一次。

1. 今晚的聚会在哪里举行A. 在树边。B.在船上。C.在咖啡店里。

2. 关于女人的说法A. 她想要一次轻松的航行。 B.她会听从男人的建议。C.她将在巴厘岛停留几周。

3. 谁打破了牛奶瓶A. 男孩的妹妹。 B.男孩.C.宠物。

4. 女人告诉男人什么A. 在哪里买票。 B.如何使用机器。 C.如何在地图上找到车站。

5. 我们对简和女人了解多少? A. 他们计划在1 点见面。 B. 他们误解了会议时间和地点。 C. 简正在图书馆咨询台等待那位女士。

第二部分(共15题;每题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)

听下列5 个对话或独白。每次对话或独白之后,您都会被问到几个问题。从题中提到的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在试卷相应位置上标记。在听每个对话或单独阅读之前,您将有时间阅读每个问题5 秒钟。听完后,你将有5 秒的时间回答每个问题。每个对话或独白读两遍。

听下列对话,回答第6、7 题。

6.为什么男人不愿意给妻子A买晚礼服。太贵了。 B. 她已经得到了很多。 C. 他不知道她是否会喜欢。

7. 我们可以从男人身上了解到什么A. 他会买一条项链给他的妻子。

B. 他想给他妻子买一份生日礼物。

C. 他要去巴黎买时髦的衣服。听第7 段中的村庄信息,并回答第7 段中的问题。

问题。 8. 女士大概想怎样去水族馆(水族馆) A. 乘公共汽车。 B、步行。 C. 乘坐地铁。9.女人到底是什么意思? A. 她不知道去水族馆的路。 B. 她想让男人和她一起去水族馆。 C.她会放弃去水族馆的想法。听第8 段并回答问题10 至12。 10. 说话者在哪里A. 在商店里。 B. 在公交车站。 C. 在街角。11。女人接下来会做什么A. 去公园。B.买一杯软饮料。C.参观艺术博物馆。12.为什么男人说女人幸运A. 有停车位。

B. 周四停车免费。她有足够的硬币可以投入停车计时器。

听第9 段并回答问题13 至16。 13. 这个人在做什么A. 读一些文章。B.听广播。C.看电视节目.14.芭蕾舞表演为什么中途停止了A. 有人把灯关了B.发生了一场大火。C. 15.火警警报响了。女士对马丁获奖有何看法A. 有道理。 B. 难以置信。 C. 值得的。16。埃及农民是怎么死的A 他用枪自杀了B .他被他的羊踢了。 C. 他不小心被枪杀了。听第10 段中的村庄信息,回答第17 至20 题。


一个亲戚。 B、他的家人。 C. 他的研究。18。说话者在学校第一周的感受如何A. 高兴。 B、孤独。 C. 担心。19说话人多少岁了

答:15。 B.16。C.17。

20. 说话者的问题是什么A. 他找不到机会与苏菲和好。

B. 他不知道如何拒绝苏菲的邀请。 C. 他不知道如何提醒索菲她对他的无礼行为。第二部分阅读理解(共两部分,满分35分)第一部分(共35分)10题;每题2.5分,满分25分)阅读以下短文,从每题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A我的手机不再是我的了。也许这就是我母亲的感受,当她拿起可以到达家里任何房间的壁挂式电话时,却听到我和朋友聊天的声音。还记得那些我们共用一部家庭电话的日子吗?小时候,我经常去拜访一位朋友,他的母亲用手机来生活。我会等啊等,给父母打电话要求搭车回家。可悲的是,尽管我现在已经是一个接近40 岁而不是30 岁的女人了,但我仍然在等待使用手机。我和我的丈夫都是X 一代,在充满TikTok、Snapchat 和Twitter 的世界中奋力拼搏。我们尝试搜索专家提供的最新育儿建议以及有关幼儿使用屏幕的医学研究。最后,我们一致认为13 岁是我们的孩子接触这些技术奇迹的最佳年龄。

然而,新冠肺炎(COVID-19) 大流行来袭。世界变了,我的手机也变了。在封锁期间,我的手机上安装了Zoom、Marco Polo 和无数其他应用程序,让我的孩子们可以与他们的朋友联系。我们所有的家人,包括我和我的丈夫,都渴望与朋友建立有意义的联系。所以我为我的孩子们安排了Zoom 会议,然后当他们与朋友们来回分享马可波罗视频时,我的手机开始消失了几个小时。



A. 提出问题。通过提出论点。C.通过描述她的家庭传统。D.通过回忆她的童年经历。22。当COVID-19 袭来时,作者发生了什么

A. 她喜欢和家人一起通过电话观看视频。她经常与丈夫因电话而争吵。C.她开始与孩子们共用手机。她与朋友失去了联系。

23. 封锁期间的经历给作者带来了什么好处A. 与孩子们的联系更加紧密。

B. 与外界建立新的联系。 C. 尝试探索新的应用程序。 D. 在网上结交很多朋友。



这种颜色是蓝色的,灵感来自钴蓝色狼蛛——一种原产于东南亚雨林的蜘蛛。让观察这只毛茸茸的八足蜘蛛的科学家感到惊讶的是,即使从不同角度观察,它的颜色也丝毫没有变化。由俄亥俄州阿克伦大学的Bill Hsiung 领导的一个科学家小组已经研究狼蛛一段时间了。蓝色是动物界中一种罕见的颜色,因此研究人员着手寻找这种蓝色的确切性质。他们发现狼蛛的外部身体覆盖着微小的晶体结构。这些微小的结构就像一面镜子,当光线照射到它们时,它们只反射一种特定波长的光——蓝色。这种自然色被称为“结构色”。



类似于狼蛛蓝,用于给纺织品和其他产品染色。留意狼蛛蓝——这种颜色可能很快就会席卷时尚界! 24. 钴蓝色狼蛛有什么特别之处A. 它的体色是一成不变的蓝色。 B. 它的腿在阳光下看起来晶莹剔透。它的气味自然令人厌恶。D.它的毛皮可以制成纺织品。25作者写第四段的目的是什么

A. 介绍狼蛛的身体结构。B.表现出颜色虹彩的现象。C.解释结构色的原理。D讨论反射角度对颜色的重要性。

26. 文本的合适标题是什么A. 受蜘蛛启发的颜色B.蓝色纺织品的发展C.发现了具有结构颜色的蜘蛛D.钴蓝色狼蛛——稀有物种C


ELSA-D 代表End-of-life Services/by Astroscale,将由一起发射的“服务航天器”和“客户卫星”来执行,根据Astroscale 的说法,航天器将释放并尝试与客户卫星,它将充当一块太空垃圾。


多年来,太空垃圾一直是一个日益严重的问题。根据NASA 最近的一份报告,数百万个太空碎片中至少有26,000 个是垒球大小。在垃圾球上绕行

,他们可以摧毁一颗卫星。最常见的太空垃圾有超过1 亿颗,大小只有一粒盐那么大,可能会在宇航服上留下洞,增加航天器和宇航员的风险。其他清理技术的开发已经进行了多年。 2016年,日本宇宙航空研究开发机构向太空发射了一条700米长的链条,试图减缓太空垃圾的速度并改变其方向。 2018年,一种名为“RemoveDebris”的设备成功地在一大块太空垃圾周围撒网。随着像SpaceX 这样的私人太空项目继续以混乱的方式填满近地轨道,这些努力可能会变得越来越重要。27。服务航天器将如何发挥作用

A. 将太空垃圾分解成碎片。通过将太空垃圾推向地球。


y adding docking plates to client satellites.D. By drawing dead satellites away from the Earth.28. What kind of space junk will the servicer mainly deal with A. Dead satellites in orbit. B Large pieces of space junk.C. Satellites to be launched with docking plates.D. Space junk around working satellites in a messy way. 29. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word "amplifying" in Paragraph 4 A. increasing B. removing C. examining D. transporting 30. What can we infer from the last paragraph A.Space research is becoming important.B. The function of artificial satellites is various.C. It's necessary to conduct the clear-up mission.W. SpaceX plays an important role in sending satellites.第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 These days, most people like using messaging apps when they need to communicate with someone. But sometimes making a call is unavoidable. However, this simple act can actually be a nightmare for some people. __31__ If this sounds familiar to you, you might be one of the millions of people who suffer from telephobia---the fear of speaking over the phone.__32__ When speaking face-to-face, we use facial expressions and gestures that help each other follow the conversation. This is not the case over the phone. And the idea of speaking with someone on the phone makes some people so terrified that they will freeze up and look foolish. However, there are things that one suffering from this condition can do to ease this fear. One thing that those with telephobia can do before a call is smile. __33__ It won't remove the anxiety altogether, but it will take the edge off (减轻) it. Similarly, imagining how the call will go before you make it can also help things go more smoothly. That will make you feel less nervous and help you predict some possible problems. There's no need to spend hours on this, just a few minutes forming several ideas of what you want to say. __34__ This is particularly useful for dealing with the fear of not being able to express yourself spontaneously (自然地).And finally, when faced with receiving a call, you don't always have to pick up. __35__A Doing so can help you feel more relaxed.B. It's often the opening lines that give us the most anxiety.C. Their hearts race and their hands sweat at the very thought of it.D. People who feel comfortable in social situations may experience telephobia.E. The most important thing is to be aware of your fear and take steps to deal with it.F. You can even write down some brief notes to remind yourself of your talking.G.There's nothing wrong with calling the person back later when you feel more comfortable. 第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分4S分) 第一节完形瑣空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅说下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在笞题纸上将该项涂黑。 My son, Ben, died at the age of 23. As I __36__ the loss of him, I found peace on the mountain peaks of New Hampshire, where he spent his childhood. __37__ was my way to hide from the pain of loss. Every step. path and peak gave me the __38__ to recover. About a month after his death, I hiked Carter Dome and Mount Hight with __39__. Standing at the top, I __40__ the mountains that my son loved. For a moment the blow of his death to me __41__ and I could breathe. The following weekends I __42__ Mount Moosilauke, Mount Cannon, then Mount Flume, Mount Liberty and so on. While hiking the mountains, I __43__ lots of difficulties--- navigating (导航) mountain roads at night, camping on the slopes and planning routes. Mount Cannon __44__ the exciting change in my life: I was no longer __45__ of walking alone. Instead of feeling my beating heart and anxiety inside, I began to __46__ the snow-covered trees and the beautiful blue color of the sky. Ben's death has led me to more outdoor __47__ than ever before. I've gone from taking occasional weekend trips to __48__ going hiking in the country for a few days. If Ben lived, I would have done these things with him. I am really __49__. These days I hike to __50__, not to hide. I find Ben, and I also find myself: I'm turning into someone __51__ and ready to face more challenges in life. The sorrow of forced __52__ becomes the silence of the path; the peace of nature __53__ the pain of loss. Hiking is exhausting but fun, and it teaches me that sorrow and __54__ can live together. I find __55__ along the way. 36. A. figured out B. struggled with C. set aside D. gave away 37. A Crying B. Running C. Walking D. Chatting 38 . A. power B. right C. chance D. reason 39. A. pride B. sadness C. fear D. respect 40. A. described B. explored C. cleared D. overlooked 41. A. fell B. spread C. faded D. abandoned 42. A. protected B. conquered C. missed D. advocated 43. A. got over B. got down C. got out D. got off 44. A. witnessed B. demanded C. explained D. accepted 45. A. fond B. conscious C. frightened D. ashamed 46. A. draw B. believe C. understand D. notice 47. A. education B. performance C. experience D. research 48. A. regularly B. eventually C. temporarily D. permanently 49. A. surprised B. content C. curious D. regretful 50. A. relax B. seek C. survive D. help 51. A. wiser B. freer C. healthier D. braver 52. A. separation B. consumption C. arrangement D. retirement 53. A. reflects B. represents C. resembles D. replaces 54. A. future B. luck C.joy D. sympathy 55. A. adventure B. comfort C. excitement D. friendship 第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 分, 满分 15 分)阅读下面林料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Digital devices (设备) have become common in our lives. Today, kids often type with akeyboard instead __56__ writing by hand. But a recent study shows that you can learn __57__ (well), and possibly remember more by handwriting your notes."Some schools have become __58__ (complete) digital.” noted Audrey, who __59__ (lead) the study. She measured what's happening in the brain to better understand learning and behaviors. Her study found that __60__ (use) a pen or pencil to write notes involves more of the brain than typing on a keyboard. This is because writing needs more complex movements __61__ makes more areas of our brain active.Think about it: you move your hands __62__ same way to type each letter on a keyboard. That's different from when we write, Our brain needs __63__ (consider) the shape of each letter. And we must control our hands to shape different letters with a pen or pencil, all of which uses and connects more areas of the brain. So learning only by typing could be h__64__ (harm). However, the human brain connects with the world in as many __65__ (way) as possible. That's why it's important to learn to write by hand and to type with a keyboard in the meanwhile.第四部分写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)第一节应用文写作 (满分 15 分)假如你是李华,不小心弄丢了交换生John借给你的英语小说The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)。请根据提示,给他写一封英文邮件,表达你的玫意。内客包括: 表示数意:2. 解释原因;3. 弥补措施。注意: 1 . 词数, 80 左右: 2 . 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 笫二节读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下而短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Losing a parent is one of the most painful parts of life. No matter how old we are when they leave us, it can be a heartbroken experience. Our memories are all that is left of them and happy reminders of their love turn into our most valuable treasures. That's how Mara Soriano feels about the teddy bear that she tragically lost in her recent move to a new apartment. Diagnosed with cancer, Mara Soriano's mother, Marilyn, gave her daughter the bear as a gift in 2017. After her mother's death last June, the gift became even more special. "That bear was basically the last reminder of my mom. It was her voice that accompanied me," she said in an interview. The plush (长毛制的) toy didn't cost a lot, but it contained a recording of her mother's voice telling her that she loved her and was proud of her. The bear, called Mama Bear, was in the backpack that contained electronics like an iPad and a Nintendo Switch. When the bag was stolen last week during the move, the 28 -year-old was heartbroken 小装置), but for Mama Bear.Mara posted aphoto of her and her Mama Bear on Instagram, explaining the importance of the bear. Millions of users were touched by the story. More and more people were talking about the bear, but there was no good news for Mara. So again and again she posted online about the item and the story behind it, hoping it could catch more viewers' attention in a big way. Actor Ryan Reynolds was moved by Mara's story and then posted a plea(请求)for Mama Bear's safe return. "I think we all need this bear to come home," he wrote. Along with the message, he also offered a reward for the people who found the bear. 注意: 1所续短文词数应为150词左右; 2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: Luckily, the Internet did its thing. Paragraph 2: The email was from the woman who sent the bear back.
