Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design
由Computer Science Engineering, Human Centered Design Engineering, the Information School and Division of Design in the School of Art + Art History + Design 4个部分的教授进行授课。1年项目,目前有33名读学生。
Immersion Studio (pre-Autumn, 2 credits)Usability / User Research (Autumn, 3 credits)Ideation Studio (Autumn, 5 credits)User Interface Software + Technology (Winter, 3 credits)Prototyping Studio (Winter, 5 credits)Capstone Planning Seminar (Winter, 1 credit)Design of Interactive Systems (Spring, 3 credits)Research Studio (Spring, 5 credits)Capstone Studio (Summer, 8 credits)Interdisciplinary HCI+D Seminar (DUB Seminar) (All four quarters, 1 credit each quarter)
Capstone Projects
Capstone Planning Seminar (Winter, 1 credit)Research Studio (Spring, 5 credits)Capstone Studio (Summer, 8 credits)
Personal StatementResume3封推荐信成绩单托福 106(口语26),或者雅思7.5(口语8)Supplementary Materials (optional, but strongly recommended)Use this section to show us projects you have worked on that demonstrate your skills and interests. This can take the form of a design portfolio, your GitHub page, a link to research you were a part of in a research lab, or something else that demonstrates your role in an open-ended project. We are most interested in seeing your problem-solving process in the field you come from, more so than attempts to anticipate the product you might produce after completing this program. Please submit a one page pdf that includes your name, a link to where we can find these supplementary materials online, and a brief explanation, if ,不要求