Asx - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-30 19:43:29小编

Asx - Bing 词典

Asx - Bing 词典是一款网络词典工具,提供英语单词的释义、发音、用法及例句等信息。它为用户提供方便快捷的查询服务,帮助用户更好地理解和学习英语。


Asx [æsks]


Asx - Bing 词典可以作为一个在线的英语学习工具,帮助用户查询单词的意思、发音和用法。它适用于英语学习者、翻译人员以及需要频繁使用英语的人群。


1. The Asx - Bing dictionary is a useful tool for improving your English vocabulary.(Asx - Bing 词典是一个提高英语词汇的有用工具。)

2. I always use Asx - Bing to check the pronunciation of difficult words.(我经常使用 Asx - Bing 来查看难懂单词的发音。)

3. The Asx - Bing dictionary provides both American and British pronunciation for each word.(Asx - Bing 词典为每个单词提供了美式和英式发音。)

4. With the help of Asx - Bing, I can easily understand the meaning of new words in English articles.(在 Asx - Bing 的帮助下,我可以轻松地理解英文文章中新单词的意思。)

5. Asx - Bing is my go-to dictionary whenever I encounter unfamiliar words in my reading.(每当我在阅读中遇到生词时,Asx - Bing 都是我的首选词典。)


1. Dictionary: a book or online resource that lists the words of a language and gives their meaning, or their equivalent in a different language.


2. Thesaurus: a book or online resource that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts.


3. Lexicon: the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.


4. Glossary: an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field.



Asx - Bing 词典是一款功能强大、方便实用的网络学习工具,为用户提供了丰富的英语单词信息和学习资源。它不仅能帮助用户查询单词的释义和发音,还提供了丰富的例句和同义词,帮助用户更好地掌握英语语言。通过使用Asx - Bing,用户可以更轻松地学习和理解英语,提高自己的语言能力。


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