
英语听力2024-04-13 21:08:21小编




英文释义:to end, to finish, to complete, or to resolve something. It can be used as a verb or a noun.


了结的音标为/liao2 jie2/。


1. 作为动词,了结可以接多种宾语,如事情、问题、纠纷等。在句子中通常用来表示完成某件事情或者解决问题。

- He finally managed to settle the dispute with his neighbor. (他终于成功解决与邻居的纠纷。)

- I need to settle this matter before I can leave for my trip. (我需要在出发旅行之前解决这件事。)

2. 作为名词,了结通常指已经完成的行动或者已经解决的问题。

- The case came to a satisfactory settlement. (这个案件得到了满意的解决。)

- We are still waiting for the settlement of the contract negotiation. (我们还在等待合同谈判的结果。)

3. 除了以上两种用法外,了结还可以表示结束关系或者断绝。

- They decided to settle their marriage after years of unhappiness. (他们决定在多年的不幸婚姻后离婚。)

- I have no intention to settle with someone who betrayed me. (我没有和背叛我的人和解的意图。)


1. The manager wants to settle the issue between the two departments as soon as possible. (经理希望尽快解决两个部门之间的问题。)

2. We need to settle this matter before the deadline. (我们需要在截止日期之前解决这件事。)

3. After years of fighting, they finally decided to settle their differences and become friends again. (经过多年的争吵,他们终于决定化解分歧,重新做朋友。)

4. The two sides have reached a settlement on the contract terms. (双方就合同条款达成了协议。)

5. He wanted to settle down in a quiet town after retiring from his busy job in the city. (他想在退休后从城市繁忙的工作中安定下来,在一个安静的小镇生活。)


1. Resolve:表示解决问题或者消除矛盾,强调通过努力或者决心来达成目标。

:She resolved to never speak to him again after their argument.


2. Conclude:表示结束或者完成某件事情,通常指达成协议或者作出决定。

:We concluded the meeting with a final decision. (我们以最终决定结束了。)

3. Settle down:表示安定下来,通常指找到一个稳定的生活方式或者安顿下来。

:After years of traveling, she finally decided to settle down and start a family. (多年的旅行后,她终于决定安定下来,开始组建家庭。)

4. Close:表示结束、完成或者解决,强调事情已经到达最终阶段。

:We need to close this deal by the end of the week. (我们需要在本周末之前完成这笔交易。)


了结是一个多义词,在不同语境中可以表达不同的含义。它可以用作动词或者名词,表示结束、完成、解决或者断绝。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有其他一些近义词如settle up、wrap up等,它们都可以表示结束某件事情或者达成协议。在使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的单词来表达自己的意思。
