
英语听力2024-04-16 22:47:32小编




Inch is a unit of measurement that represents the length, height, or thickness, equivalent to one-tenth of a foot. In ancient China, inch was a commonly used unit of length that can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn period. In modern times, inch is often used to indicate small size objects or distances.


英 [ɪntʃ] 美 [ɪntʃ]


1. 作为单位使用:一寸等于十分之一尺。

2. 用来描述物体大小:这个手机屏幕有五英寸。

3. 用来表示距离:他们之间只有几英寸的距离。

1. Used as a unit of measurement: One inch is equal to one-tenth of a foot.

2. Used to describe the size of an object: This phone screen is five inches.

3. Used to indicate distance: There are only a few inches between them.


1. 我需要一把长约六英寸的刀子。I need a knife that is about six inches long.

2. 这个箱子的尺寸是20英寸×12英寸×10英寸。The dimensions of this box are 20 inches by 12 inches by 10 inches.

3. 她的头发长达二十英寸。Her hair is twenty inches long.

4. 这个电视屏幕有五十五英寸。The television screen is fifty-five inches.

5. 我需要一块长宽各为十二英寸的布料。I need a piece of fabric that is twelve inches by twelve inches.


1. 英尺(foot):是一个长度单位,等于12英寸。

2. 厘米(centimeter):是国际单位制中长度的基本单位,相当于0.3937英寸。

3. 毫米(millimeter):是国际单位制中长度的基本单位,相当于0.03937英寸。

1. Foot: a unit of length equal to 12 inches.

2. Centimeter: the basic unit of length in the International System of Units, equivalent to 0.3937 inch.

3. Millimeter: the basic unit of length in the International System of Units, equivalent to 0.03937 inch.


