
英语听力2024-04-19 01:12:09小编



What does "暂无" mean?

The term "暂无" means that something or someone is currently unavailable, temporarily lacking, or not present. It can be used to describe a state or situation, as well as a specific object or thing.


"暂无"的拼音为 "zàn wú",读音为 [dzahn woo]。

Pronunciation: zàn wú [dzahn woo]




"暂无" is commonly used as a phrase and can function as a verb, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. It can modify nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., to indicate that something or someone is currently not available, lacking, or unavailable.


1. 我们目前暂无更多信息。

We currently have no further information available.

2. 对于这个问题,我很抱歉,我暂时还没有答案。

I'm sorry but I don't have an answer at the moment for this question.

3. 暂无法提供这种服务。

This service is currently unavailable.

4. 由于天气原因,航班暂时无法起飞。

Due to weather conditions, the flight is temporarily unable to take off.

5. 我们暂时没有足够的证据来支持这个观点。

We currently lack sufficient evidence to support this viewpoint.


1. 暂时 (zàn shí):也可以表示 "暂无" 的意思,但更强调时间上的短暂性,通常用来表示 "for now" 或 "temporary"。

2. 缺乏 (quē fá):也可以表示 "暂无" 的意思,但更强调缺少或不足的状态,通常用来表示 "lack of" 或 "shortage of"。

3. 无 (wú):也可以表示 "暂无" 的意思,但更强调完全没有的状态,通常用来表示 "without" 或 "none".

4. 暂停 (zàn tíng):可以用来描述某个活动或过程的中止或延迟,在此情况下也可以替换使用 "暂无"。

5. 未提供 (wèi tí gōng):可以用来表达相同的含义,即某物或某事目前没有提供。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 暂时 (zàn shí): Can also mean the same as "暂无", but emphasizes the temporary aspect of time and is often used to mean "for now" or "temporary".

2. 缺乏 (quē fá): Can also mean the same as "暂无", but emphasizes the state of lacking or shortage and is often used to mean "lack of" or "shortage of".

3. 无 (wú): Can also mean the same as "暂无", but emphasizes a complete lack and is often used to mean "without" or "none".

4. 暂停 (zàn tíng): Can be used to describe the suspension or delay of an activity or process and can be used interchangeably with "暂无" in this context.

5. 未提供 (wèi tí gōng): Can be used to express the same meaning, that something is currently not provided.


