
英语听力2024-04-21 00:52:02小编




Sorrow and grievance is a feeling of extreme sadness or pain in one's heart, feeling deeply hurt and wronged. This emotion is often triggered by unfair treatment, loss of important people or things, betrayal, etc. In Chinese, sorrow and grievance can also be used to describe something that makes one feel very uncomfortable or sad.


痛心伤臆的读音为tòng xīn shāng yìn,其中“tòng”读作/tʊŋ/,“xīn”读作/ʃɪn/,“shāng”读作/ʃɑːŋ/,“yìn”读作/jɪn/。

The pronunciation of sorrow and grievance is tòng xīn shāng yìn, with "tòng" pronounced as /tʊŋ/, "xīn" as /ʃɪn/, "shāng" as /ʃɑːŋ/, and "yìn" as /jɪn/.



Sorrow and grievance is usually used as a predicate verb or adjective to describe one's inner feelings. It can also be used as a noun to refer to this emotion.


1. 她听到这个消息后,心里十分痛心伤臆。

She felt deeply sorrowful and grieved after hearing the news.

2. 他的离开让我感到十分痛心伤臆。

His departure left me feeling deeply sorrowful and grieved.

3. 面对不公平的待遇,她充满了痛心伤臆。

Faced with unfair treatment, she was filled with sorrow and grievance.

4. 她的话让我感到很痛心伤臆。

Her words made me feel very sorrowful and grieved.

5. 失去了最好的朋友,我充满了痛心伤臆。

Losing my best friend, I was filled with sorrow and grievance.


1. 悲伤(sorrow):指因遭遇不幸或失去重要的人或物而产生的悲哀情绪。

2. 忧愁(grief):指因为遭受不幸或失去重要的人或物而感到忧郁和悲伤。

3. 悲痛(grief):指因为遭受不幸或失去重要的人或物而感到极度悲痛。

4. 委屈(injustice):指遭受不公平待遇或冤屈。

5. 不安(unease):指内心感到焦虑、不安和不舒服。

1. Sorrow: refers to the feeling of sadness caused by misfortune or loss of important people or things.

2. Grief: refers to the feeling of melancholy and sadness caused by suffering misfortune or losing important people or things.

3. Sorrow: refers to the feeling of extreme sadness caused by suffering misfortune or losing important people or things.

4. Injustice: refers to being treated unfairly or wronged.

5. Unease: refers to the inner feelings of anxiety, uneasiness, and discomfort.


