How to pronounce: [xiāng yī wéi mìng]
1. 相依为命可以用来形容夫妻、家人、朋友之间的关系,也可以用来形容两件事物之间的密切。
2. 通常用于正面描述,表示关系紧密、相互依存。
3. 也可以用于贬义,表示过度依赖、缺乏独立性。
1. 我们已经相依为命多年了,无论遇到什么困难都会一起克服。
We have been inseparable for many years, and we will overcome any difficulties together.
2. 姐妹俩从小就相依为命,感情非常深厚。
The two sisters have been inseparable since childhood, and their relationship is very close.
3. 这对夫妻一直相依为命,即使经历了很多风风雨雨也没有分开过。
This couple has always depended on each other, even though they have been through many ups and downs.
4. 这两件事情之间相依为命,一旦其中一件出现问题,另一件也会受到影响。
These two things are closely related, and if one of them has a problem, the other will also be affected.
5. 他们的关系就像是相依为命的兄弟,互相支持、互相帮助。
Their relationship is like that of brothers who depend on each other, supporting and helping each other.
1. 生死与共:指两个人或事物之间彼此紧密,无论生死都在一起。
2. 情同手足:形容感情深厚,像手足一样亲密无间。
3. 彼此依赖:指两个人或事物之间彼此相互依靠、依赖。
4. 两肋插刀:比喻彼此之间情谊深厚,可以为对方牺牲自己。
5. 同甘共苦:形容在困难时期彼此携手共渡难关。