
英语词汇2024-03-22 20:32:55小编



n. 反全球化,反对全球化的运动

1. 词义:antiglobalization是一个由ant-和globalization组成的复合词,意为反全球化。它指的是一种针对全球化现象的反对运动,旨在消除或减轻全球化带来的负面影响。

2. 读音:[ænti,gləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n],重音在第二个音节。

3. 用法:作为一个名词,antiglobalization通常用于描述一种运动或者思潮。它可以指代一群人、一种行动或者一系列活动。

4. 例句:

1) The antiglobalization movement has gained momentum in recent years, as more and more people are becoming aware of the negative effects of globalization.


2) The antiglobalization protesters gathered outside the conference center, demanding that the government take action to protect local industries.


3) The rise of antiglobalization sentiment has caused some countries to implement protectionist policies, leading to trade tensions between nations.


4) The antiglobalization movement is not just about opposing free trade, but also about promoting fair and sustainable economic practices.


5) The antiglobalization activists organized a of a multinational corporation that was accused of exploiting workers in developing countries.


5. 同义词及用法:antiglobalization可以与anti-globalism、anti-corporate globalization和anti-neoliberalism等词语互换使用。

6. 编辑总结:antiglobalization是一个具有强烈色彩的词汇,在当今社会中备受关注。它既着一种运动,也着一种思潮,呼吁人们认识并应对全球化带来的挑战和问题。通过学习这个词语,我们可以更加深入地了解当今世界经济和格局中存在的复杂性和多样性。
