
英语词汇2024-03-23 23:50:42小编


['APA', '[eɪpiːˈeɪ]', 'n. 美国心理学会;美国心理学会出版的期刊', '1. American Psychological Association 美国心理学会\n2. American Planning Association 美国规划协会\n3. American Psychiatric Association 美国病学会\n4. American Payroll Association 美国工资支付协会\n5. All Points Addressable 全点寻址', '1. The APA is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States.\n这是美国最大的心理学科学和专业组织。\n2. My professor requires us to use APA style for our research papers.\n我的教授要求我们在研究论文中使用APA风格。', '同义词:American Psychological Association']



n. American Psychological Association; journal published by the American Psychological Association

1. American Psychological Association (APA)

2. American Planning Association (APA)

3. American Psychiatric Association (APA)

4. American Payroll Association (APA)

5. All Points Addressable (APA)

1. The APA is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States.


2. My professor requires us to use APA style for our research papers.


同义词:American Psychological Association


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