
英语口语2024-03-16 11:02:58小编







1. 作为动词,backout常用于表示某人取消了之前做出的承诺或决定,也可以表示某人退出了某项活动或计划。:

- I'm sorry, I have to back out of our dinner plans tonight. 我很抱歉,我必须取消今晚的晚餐计划。

- The company backed out of the deal at the last minute. 公司在最后一刻退出了这笔交易。

2. backout还可以表示某人因为害怕或不愿意而退缩或放弃做某事。:

- He wanted to ask her out, but he backed out at the last minute. 他想约她出去,但在最后一刻退缩了。

3. 作为名词,backout通常指某人取消或退出的行为。:

- His sudden backout from the project caused a lot of problems for the team. 他突然退出这个项目给团队带来了很多问题。


1. She promised to help me with my project, but she backed out at the last minute. 她答应帮我做项目,但在最后一刻退出了。

2. The company initially agreed to sponsor the event, but they backed out due to budget constraints. 公司最初同意赞助这个活动,但因为预算限制而退出了。

3. He wanted to try bungee jumping, but he backed out when he saw how high the platform was. 他想尝试蹦极,但当他看到有多高时就退缩了。

4. The actress had to back out of the movie due to scheng conflicts. 这位女演员因为时间不得不退出这部电影。

5. I'm sorry, I can't go with you to the concert tonight. I have to back out because of a family emergency. 对不起,今晚我不能和你一起去音乐会。因为家里有急事我必须退出。


1. withdraw:意为“撤回”、“取消”,语气比backout更正式。:The company decided to withdraw their support for the project.

2. pull out:意为“撤出”、“退出”,通常指从某个团体或地区撤出。:The troops were ordered to pull out of the war zone.

3. opt out:意为“选择退出”、“放弃参与”。:She opted out of the competition due to an injury.

4. renege:意为“食言”、“背信”,语气比backout更负面。:He promised to pay me back, but he reneged on his promise.

5. retreat:意为“撤退”、“后退”,通常指或人群的行动。:The army had to retreat due to heavy enemy fire.


Backout是一个常用的英文单词,意为“退出”、“撤回”、“取消”、“退缩”。它可以作为动词使用,表示某人取消了之前做出的承诺或决定,也可以表示某人退出了某项活动或计划;还可以作为名词使用,指某人取消或退出的行为。除了backout外,还有一些近义词如withdraw、pull out、opt out等,但它们在用法和语气上有所不同。熟练掌握backout及其近义词的用法,能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。
