
英语口语2024-03-19 04:29:55小编


die是一个英文单词,意为“死亡”,也可以作为动词使用,意为“死亡”、“消亡”、“终止”等。它的同义词包括pass away、expire、perish等。


die的音标为 [daɪ],其中“aɪ”的发音与英语中的字母“i”相似,发音为/d/和/ai/的组合。


1. 作名词时,die指代“死亡”,常用于表示人或动物的生命终结。:

- He died peacefully in his sleep. (他在睡梦中平静地离世。)

- The old dog finally died at the age of 15. (这只老狗最终在15岁时去世了。)

2. 作动词时,die表示“死亡”、“消亡”、“终止”。常用于表示生命的结束或事物的结束。:

- The flowers will die if you don't water them. (如果不给花浇水,它们会枯萎。)

- The fire gradually died out as the rain started to pour. (随着雨开始下起来,火逐渐熄灭了。)

3. die也可以用于表示某种情感或感觉的消失。:

- My love for him died when I found out he had been lying to me all this time. (当我他一直对我撒谎时,我对他的爱情消失了。)

- The excitement in the room died down as the speaker began to talk. (随着开始讲话,房间里的兴奋情绪逐渐消失了。)

4. die也可以用于表示某种状态的结束或消失。:

- The music died down and everyone went home. (音乐停止了,每个人都回家了。)

- The storm finally died out after hours of heavy rain. (经过几个小时的大雨,暴风雨终于停止了。)


1. She was so ill that she thought she was going to die. (她病得很重,以为自己要死了。)

2. The candle slowly died out, leaving the room in complete darkness. (蜡烛慢慢熄灭,房间变得一片漆黑。)

3. After the company went bankrupt, all of its projects and plans died with it. (公司破产后,它所有的项目和计划也随之消亡。)

4. His dream of becoming a famous actor died when he failed his audition for the tenth time. (当他第十次试镜失败时,他成为一名著名演员的梦想也随之破灭了。)

5. Despite their efforts, the team's chances of winning slowly died as their opponents scored more points. (尽管他们努力了,但随着对手得分越来越高,球队赢得比赛的机会也慢慢消失了。)


1. pass away:与die的意思相同,意为“死亡”、“去世”。常用于表示尊重或避免使用过于直接的词语。

2. expire:也可以指“死亡”,但更常用于指物质的终结或过期。:My driver's license will expire next month. (我的驾照下个月就要到期了。)

3. perish:与die的意思相似,也可以指生命的结束或事物的消失。但更常用于强调因外部因素导致的死亡或毁灭。:Thousands of people perished in the earthquake. (数千人在地震中丧生。)


die是一个常见的英文单词,作为名词时指代“死亡”,作为动词时表示“死亡”、“消亡”、“终止”。它可以用于表示人或动物的生命结束,事物的结束、情感或感觉的消失以及状态的结束或消失。它还有一些近义词如pass away、expire和perish,但每个词都有自己特定的使用场景和语气。在使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的词语。
