
英语口语2024-03-20 20:56:25小编





giveup的读音为 /ɡɪv ʌp/,重音在第一个音节。


1. 主动放弃:表示主动放弃某件事情时,通常会使用“give up on + 宾语”的结构。:

- He finally gave up on his dream of becoming a professional athlete. (他最终放弃了成为职业运动员的梦想。)

- After struggling for years, she gave up on her marriage and decided to get a divorce. (经过多年的挣扎,她决定放弃婚姻并离婚。)

2. 被迫放弃:表示被迫放弃某件事情时,通常会使用“be given up”的结构。:

- The game was given up due to bad weather. (比赛因天气原因被迫取消。)

- The project was given up as it was not financially viable. (由于没有经济可行性,该项目被迫中止。)

3. 放弃某种习惯或行为:表示放弃某种习惯或行为时,通常会使用“give up + v-ing”的结构。:

- She finally gave up smoking after many failed attempts. (经过多次失败的尝试,她最终戒烟了。)

- It's never too late to give up your bad habits. (放弃坏习惯永远不会太迟。)

4. 放弃权利或权威:表示放弃权利或权威时,通常会使用“give up + 宾语”的结构。:

- He gave up his seat to an elderly woman on the bus. (他在公交车上让座给一位老太太。)

- The king was forced to give up his throne after losing the war. (国王在战争失败后被迫放弃王位。)


1. I have been trying to learn how to play the guitar for years, but I think it's time for me to give up. (我已经尝试学习弹吉他多年了,但我觉得是时候放弃了。)

2. After multiple failed attempts, she finally gave up on her dream of becoming a famous singer. (经过多次失败的尝试,她最终放弃了成为一名著名歌手的梦想。)

3. The company had to give up on their plans for expansion due to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,公司不得不放弃扩张计划。)

4. He gave up his high-paying job to pursue his passion for traveling. (他放弃了高薪工作,追求自己对旅行的热爱。)

5. The coach was disappointed with the team's performance and gave up on them, deciding to resign. (教练对球队的表现感到失望,他决定放弃他们,辞职离开。)


1. abandon:与give up的意思相似,也可以表示放弃某件事情或停止做某件事情。

2. quit:通常指主动离开或停止做某件事情。

3. surrender:通常指在战争或竞赛中被迫投降。

4. renounce:指正式宣布放弃某种权利、特权或信仰。

5. forsake:通常指抛弃或背叛某人。


