
英语口语2024-03-21 15:17:04小编


houseofcards是一个英文词语,意思是指一件非常脆弱或不稳定的事物,随时可能崩塌或失败。它的读音为 [haʊs ɒv kɑːdz]。


例句1:Their marriage was like a house of cards, one small misunderstanding could cause it to collapse. (他们的婚姻就像一座纸牌屋,一点小误会就可能导致它崩塌。)

例句2:The company's financial situation is like a house of cards, any slight change in the market could bring it crashing down. (公司的财务状况就像一座纸牌屋,市场上任何微小的变化都可能导致其倒闭。)

例句3:Their friendship was built on lies and deceit, it was a house of cards waiting to fall apart. (他们的友谊建立在谎言和欺骗之上,它是一座即将解体的纸牌屋。)

例句4:The politician's career was like a house of cards, one scandal could ruin everything he had built. (这位家的职业生涯就像一座纸牌屋,一个丑闻就能毁掉他所建立的一切。)

例句5:Their team's strategy was like a house of cards, it relied on too many variables and was bound to fail. (他们团队的战略就像一座纸牌屋,依赖了太多变数,注定会失败。)

同义词及用法:houseofcards的同义词包括ticking time bomb、time bomb、tinderbox等,它们也都指代着一个非常脆弱和不稳定的局面。:Their relationship was a ticking time bomb, it was only a matter of time before it exploded. (他们的关系就像是一个定时,它爆炸只是时间问题。)

