
英语口语2024-03-26 09:30:26小编







1. rationalize + 名词:表示对某种行为或决定进行合理化处理。

- He tried to rationalize his decision to quit his job.


- She always tries to rationalize her actions, even when they are wrong.


2. rationalize + that从句:表示通过解释或找出理由来使某事物显得更有道理。

- He tried to rationalize that he was too busy to attend the meeting.


- She always tries to rationalize that she is right, even when she is wrong.


3. rationalize + 分数:表示对分数进行有理化处理。

- The teacher asked the students to rationalize the fraction.


4. rationalize + oneself:表示对自己的行为或想法进行合理化解释。

- He is always trying to rationalize himself.



1. She tried to rationalize her decision to break up with him, but deep down she knew it was because she didn't love him anymore.


2. He always tries to rationalize his impulsive purchases by saying that he deserves them after working hard all week.


3. The company's CEO tried to rationalize the decision to lay off employees by saying it was necessary for the company's survival.


4. In order to make the budget work, we need to rationalize our expenses and cut back on unnecessary costs.


5. The politician tried to rationalize his controversial statement by saying it was taken out of context.



1. justify:指通过提供理由或证据来证明某事物的合理性。

- He tried to justify his actions by saying that he was protecting his family.


2. explain:指通过解释来说明某事物。

- She explained her absence by saying she was sick.


3. make sense:指某事物很合理或有道理。

- His explanation didn't make any sense to me.



rationalize是一个常用于口语和书面语中的动词,意为“合理化,使合理化”。它可以指对行为、决定或想法进行合理化处理,也可以指通过解释或找出理由来使某事物显得更有道理。在数学中,rationalize还可以指对分数进行有理化处理。它还可以与名词、从句和分数等搭配使用,并且有着与justify、explain和make sense等词汇相似的意思。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要了解并准确使用这个单词,以便更好地理解和使用英语。


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