
英语口语2024-03-27 11:50:30小编




signal的音标为 ['sɪg.nəl]


1. 作名词时,signal通常用来指示某种信息、动作或状态。:

- The traffic light turned green, which was a signal for us to start driving.


- The loud noise was a signal for everyone to evacuate the building.


2. 作名词时,signal也可以用来表示一种指示或告的手势。:

- The referee blew the whistle as a signal for the game to start.


- My dog knows that when I raise my hand, it's a signal for him to come to me.


3. 作动词时,signal表示发出信号或给出提示。:

- The lighthouse signals ships of danger in the area.


- The teacher signaled for the students to quiet down.



1. The flashing lights on the dashboard signaled that there was something wrong with the car.(仪表盘上闪烁的灯光表明车子出了问题。)

2. He used hand signals to direct the driver into the parking spot.(他用手势指挥司机停到停车位上。)

3. The loud thunder signaled the start of the storm.(巨大的雷声预示着暴风雨的开始。)

4. The coach signaled for a timeout to discuss their strategy.(教练示意暂停,讨论他们的战略。)

5. The sudden drop in stock prices is a signal of an economic downturn.(股价突然下跌是经济衰退的信号。)


1. indication:表示,指示

- His raised eyebrows were an indication of his surprise.


2. cue:提示,线索

- She gave me a cue to start speaking.


3. gesture:手势,姿态

- He made a gesture to show his disapproval.


4. sign:标志,迹象

- His behavior is a sign that he's hiding something.


5. symbol:象征,符号

- The dove is a symbol of peace.





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