
英语听力2024-03-20 01:16:20小编


1. emperor的意思是皇帝,指一个帝国的最高者。(The meaning of emperor is the ruler of an empire.)


2. emperor的音标为[ˈɛmpərər],发音为英文中的“em-per-er”,重音在第一个音节。(The pronunciation of emperor is [ˈɛmpərər], pronounced as "em-per-er", with the stress on the first syllable.)


3. emperor作为名词使用,主要指一个帝国或者大型的最高者。此外,也可以用来形容某人非常有权力或地位。(Emperor is used as a noun to refer to the ruler of an empire or a large country. It can also be used to describe someone who has a lot of power or status.)


4. 例句1:The ancient Chinese emperors were believed to have divine powers.


5. 例句2:During his reign, Emperor Julius Caesar expanded the Roman Empire to its greatest extent.


6. 例句3:The Emperor of Japan is considered a symbol of unity and national identity.


7. 例句4:She was treated like an emperor, with servants catering to her every need.


8. 例句5:The emperor penguin is the largest species of penguin and can be found in Antarctica.



9. emperor的同义词包括monarch、sovereign和ruler,它们都指一个或地区的最高。但是,emperor强调的是帝国或大型的者,而monarch则更常用来指君主制的君主。(Synonyms for emperor include monarch, sovereign, and ruler, all of which refer to the highest leader of a country or region. However, emperor emphasizes the ruler of an empire or large country, while monarch is more commonly used to refer to the monarch of a monarchy.)


10. 在历史上,emperor一般用来指帝国或大型的最高,如的皇帝、罗马帝国的凯撒大帝等。在现代英语中,emperor也可以用来形容某人非常有权力或地位。它的同义词包括monarch、sovereign和ruler,但它们之间还是有一些细微差别。通过学习emperor这个词的意思和用法,我们可以更好地理解历史和领域的相关内容。
