
英语听力2024-03-21 17:59:09小编


是指一个人或组织对其他人或组织的友好和支持的态度,也可以指一种积极的态度和良好的意向。在商业领域,good will通常被用来描述企业与客户、供应商、员工等相关方之间的良好关系。

Good will can be defined as the attitude of a person or organization towards others, characterized by friendliness and support. It can also refer to a positive attitude and good intentions. In the business context, good will is often used to describe the positive relationships between a company and its customers, suppliers, employees, and other stakeholders.


/gʊd wɪl/


作为名词,good will可以表示“友好”、“支持”、“善意”等含义。它也可以作为一个不可数名词,表示一种无形资产,指企业所拥有的良好声誉、品牌价值和客户忠诚度。在商业合同中,good will通常被视为一项重要资产,并且可以被买卖。

As a noun, good will can refer to the feelings of friendliness, support, and goodwill towards others. It can also be used as an uncountable noun to describe an intangible asset that represents the company's reputation, brand value, and customer loyalty. In commercial contracts, good will is often considered as an important asset that can be bought and sold.


1. The company's success is largely due to its strong sense of good will towards its customers.


2. The new management team is determined to rebuild the company's good will after the previous scandal.


3. The CEO's generous donation to the local charity organization has earned him a lot of good will from the community.


4. The merger between the two companies was successful because they shared similar values and good will towards each other.


5. It takes time and effort to build up good will, but it can be easily destroyed by one wrong move.



1. Benevolence (noun): kindness, generosity, goodwill

Example: The company showed great benevolence by donating a portion of their profits to charity.

2. Amity (noun): friendship, harmony, goodwill

Example: The two countries have maintained amity for decades.

3. Favor (noun): kindness, support, goodwill

Example: She asked for a favor from her boss and he happily granted it.

4. Cordiality (noun): friendliness, warmth, goodwill

Example: Their cordiality towards each other made the meeting more pleasant.

5. Trust (noun): confidence, reliance, goodwill

Example: The company's good will towards its customers has earned them their trust.


Good will是一个重要的商业概念,它指代企业与相关方之间的良好关系和积极态度。作为一种无形资产,good will可以为企业带来巨大的价值,并且可以被买卖。在日常生活中,我们也应该努力建立良好的good will,因为它可以带来更多的机会和成功。
