
英语听力2024-03-23 14:31:21小编




just_like的发音为/dʒəst laɪk/,其中“just”的发音为/dʒəst/,重音在第一个音节,“like”的发音为/laɪk/,重音在第二个音节。


1. 作形容词时,just_like表示“非常相似或类似”,常用于比较两个人或物之间的相似性。

- The twins look just like each other.


- This dress is just like the one I saw in the magazine.


2. 作副词时,just_like表示“恰当地”、“正合适地”,强调做某事非常合适。

- He's just like a fish in water when he's playing basketball.


- The new employee fits in just like a glove with the rest of the team.


3. 另外,just_like也可以作为连词使用,连接两个并列的形容词或副词,表示两者都具有同样的特征。

- She's just as talented as her brother.


- The two sisters look just like each other and are equally beautiful.



1. She looks just like her mother, they have the same eyes and nose.


2. This painting is just like a photograph, it's so realistic.


3. I feel like I'm talking to my best friend, you're just like her.


4. He's acting just like a child, throwing a tantrum over such a small thing.


5. The weather today is just like yesterday, cloudy and cool.



1. Similar to:表示“类似于”,强调两者之间的相似性。

- The two dresses are very similar to each other.


- His handwriting is similar to his father's.


2. Alike:表示“相像的”,可以指人或物。

- The two sisters look alike, they could be twins.


- These two recipes taste alike, but they have different ingredients.


3. Just as/Just like:与just_like意思相同,都可以表示“正如”、“就像”。

- Just as her mother predicted, she became a doctor.


- He's just like his father, always making jokes in serious situations.


4. Comparable to:表示“可比较的”,强调两者之间有共同点。

- Her beauty is comparable to that of a movie star.


- This book is comparable to a classic, it will stand the test of time.



just_like是一个常用的英语短语,可以指某人或某事与另一个人或事物非常相似或类似,也可以表示某人做某事正合适或恰当。它可以作形容词、副词和连词使用,发音为/dʒəst laɪk/。同义词有similar to、alike、just as/just like和comparable to。在使用时要注意根据语境选择合适的含义,避免歧义。希望本文能帮助你更好地理解和运用just_like这个短语。


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