
英语听力2024-03-23 16:26:16小编




[kiːp aʊt]



- The fence is meant to keep out wild animals.(这道栅栏是为了防止野生动物进入。)

- Please keep the dog out of the kitchen.(请把狗关在厨房外面。)

- The sign says "Keep Out" to warn trespassers.(牌子上写着“入内”,用来告闯入者。)

- She keeps her emotions locked away, trying to keep out any pain.(她把自己的情绪深藏不露,试图避免任何伤心事。)


1. The security guard was instructed to keep out anyone without proper identification.(保安被指示要阻止没有合适身份证明的人进入。)

2. The high walls and barbed wire were meant to keep out intruders.(高墙和铁丝网旨在阻止入侵者。)

3. The government has implemented strict measures to keep out illegal immigrants.(已经采取严格措施防止非法移民进入。)

4. The lock on the door will keep out any unwanted visitors.(门上的锁可以阻止任何不受欢迎的访客进入。)

5. The heavy rain kept us indoors, keeping us out of the storm.(大雨让我们呆在室内,避免了暴风雨的影响。)


1. Bar: a barrier or obstacle designed to prevent access or progress.

- The barbed wire fence was meant to bar entry into the restricted area.

- Police officers stood at the barricades, barring anyone from entering the building.

2. Block: to prevent someone or something from moving through or passing by.

- The protesters blocked the entrance to the building, preventing anyone from entering.

- She blocked her ex-boyfriend on all social media platforms.

3. Exclude: to deny access or entry.

- Students who do not meet the requirements will be excluded from this program.

- This event is for VIPs only, so please exclude any unauthorized guests.

4. Prohibit: to officially forbid someone from doing something.

- Smoking is strictly prohibited in this restaurant.

- The law prohibits anyone under 18 years old from purchasing alcohol.

5. Restrict: to limit or control something or someone's actions.

- The company restricts employees' internet usage during work hours.

- Due to the pandemic, travel to certain countries has been restricted.




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