
英语听力2024-03-23 16:37:09小编





英文解释:to continue to have or hold something; to not change or damage something; to continue without changing


keep [kiːp]


1. keep + 名词/形容词:保持某种状态或特性

例句:She keeps her room clean and tidy. 她保持房间的干净整洁。

2. keep + 动词ing:继续做某事

例句:I'll keep trying until I succeed. 我会继续努力直到成功。

3. keep + 形容词/副词 + 不定式to do sth.:坚持做某事

例句:He kept on talking even though no one was listening. 尽管没有人在听,他仍然坚持说话。

4. keep + 名词/形容词 + from + 动词ing:阻止某事发生

例句:I can't keep you from making mistakes, but I can offer you advice. 我不能阻止你犯错,但我可以给你建议。

5. keep + 名词/形容词 + out of/from + 名词/动作 : 避免进入某个状态或做某件事

例句: He kept himself out of trouble by staying at home all day. 他整天待在家里,避免惹麻烦。


1. She keeps her room clean and tidy. 她保持房间的干净整洁。

2. I'll keep trying until I succeed. 我会继续努力直到成功。

3. He kept on talking even though no one was listening. 尽管没有人在听,他仍然坚持说话。

4. I can't keep you from making mistakes, but I can offer you advice. 我不能阻止你犯错,但我可以给你建议。

5. He kept himself out of trouble by staying at home all day. 他整天待在家里,避免惹麻烦。


1. maintain:保持某种状态或特性,强调持续性

例句:It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 保持健康的生活方式很重要。

2. preserve:保留某物,强调对某物的保护

例句:We need to preserve our natural resources for future generations. 我们需要为后代保护自然资源。

3. retain:保留某物或某种状态,强调固定不变

例句:He managed to retain his title as champion for three consecutive years. 他连续三年成功保住了冠头衔。

4. continue:继续做某事,强调持续性

例句:The rain continued throughout the day. 雨一直持续了一整天。

5. persist:坚持做某事,强调不放弃

例句:She persisted in her efforts to find a job despite the rejections. 尽管遭到拒绝,她仍然坚持找工作。




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