
英语听力2024-03-24 01:54:33小编



怎么读(音标):[xīn wú xiàn, tiān dì kuān]



1. 我们的公司秉承着ldquo_心无限,天地宽_rdquo_的理念,诚邀各界朋友加盟昊宝,共谋发展大计。

Our company adheres to the concept of "unlimited heart and wide world" and sincerely invites friends from all walks of life to join Haobao to seek common development.

2. 欢迎来到我们的大家庭!在这里,你将感受到ldquo_心无限,天地宽_rdquo_的,与我们一起共谋发展。

Welcome to our big family! Here, you will feel the spirit of "unlimited heart and wide world" and work together with us for common development.

3. 我们希望能够与更多有志之士携手,以ldquo_心无限,天地宽_rdquo_的态度,共同开创美好未来。

We hope to join hands with more ambitious people and create a better future together with the attitude of "unlimited heart and wide world".

4. 我们的团队一直秉承着ldquo_心无限,天地宽_rdquo_的,不断超越自我,追求更高更远的目标。

Our team has always adhered to the spirit of "unlimited heart and wide world", constantly surpassing ourselves and pursuing higher and farther goals.

5. 坚持ldquo_心无限,天地宽_rdquo_的理念,我们已经取得了巨大的成就。让我们继续携手前行,共谋更大发展!

By adhering to the concept of "unlimited heart and wide world", we have achieved great success. Let's continue to work together for even greater development!


1. ldquo_开放心态,广阔视野_rdquo_: 指具有开放、包容和广阔的心态和视野。

2. ldquo_无限远见_rdquo_: 指具有无穷远见和眼光。

3. ldquo_襟怀坦荡,胸怀博大_rdquo_: 指胸怀宽广、气度非凡。

4. ldquo_接纳一切,拥抱未来_rdquo_: 指包容万物,积极迎接未来。

5. ldquo_共同发展,共谋未来_rdquo_: 指众人团结一心,共同为未来的发展而努力。



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