
英语听力2024-03-24 03:21:25小编




Legendary heroes refer to the heroes in legends, usually those with extraordinary abilities and courage, who make outstanding contributions to their people or country. These heroes are endowed with mysterious powers and extraordinary achievements in legend stories, becoming idols and role models in people's minds.


[ˈledʒənderi ˈhirəʊz]


legendary_heroes作为一个名词,通常用于描述那些在传说故事中拥有超凡能力和勇气、为人民或作出杰出贡献的人物。它可以单独使用,也可以与其他名词连用,如“a group of legendary heroes”(一群传奇),“the legendary heroes of ancient Greece”(古希腊的传奇)等。

Legendary_heroes is used as a noun to describe the heroic figures with extraordinary abilities and courage, who make outstanding contributions to their people or country in legend stories. It can be used alone or combined with other nouns, such as "a group of legendary heroes," "the legendary heroes of ancient Greece," etc.


1. The story of King Arthur and his legendary knights has inspired many people to become legendary heroes themselves.(亚瑟王和他的传奇骑士的故事激励着许多人成为传奇。)

2. In Chinese mythology, the Monkey King is a legendary hero who possesses immense strength and magical powers.(在神话中,孙悟空是一位拥有巨大力量和魔法能力的传奇。)

3. These legendary heroes are not only brave and powerful, but also have a strong sense of justice and compassion for the weak.(这些传奇不仅勇敢强大,还具有强烈的正义感和对弱者的同情心。)

4. Many video games and movies feature legendary heroes as their main characters, attracting a large number of fans.(许多电子游戏和电影都以传奇作为主角,吸引了大量粉丝。)

5. The legend of Robin Hood tells the story of a group of legendary heroes who robbed from the rich to give to the poor in medieval England.(罗宾汉的传说讲述了一群在中世纪英格兰抢劫富人给穷人的传奇故事。)


1. Mythical Heroes:神话,指那些在神话故事中拥有非凡能力和勇气的人物。

2. Epic Heroes:史诗,指那些在史诗作品中扮演重要角色、具有超凡能力和勇气的人物。

3. Legendary Figures:传奇人物,指那些在传说故事中被赋予非凡成就和超自然力量的人物。

4. Heroic Legends:传说,指那些关于事迹的传说故事。


legendary_heroes是一个描述具有超凡能力和勇气、为人民或作出杰出贡献的人物的词语。它常用于描述传说故事中的主要角色,通常被赋予神秘的力量和非凡的成就。除了用作名词外,它也可以用来形容某个人或团体具有传奇般的特质。同义词包括mythical heroes、epic heroes、legendary figures和heroic legends等。


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