
英语听力2024-04-10 15:34:59小编




Times [taɪmz]


1. 名词


例句:We had a good time at the party yesterday. (昨天我们在聚会上玩得很开心。)


例句:The Renaissance was a time of great cultural and artistic achievements. (文艺复兴是一个伟大的文化和艺术成就的时代。)


例句:I have told you many times not to do that. (我已经多次告诉过你不要那样做了。)

2. 动词


例句:You can't just times the price by two and expect everyone to pay for it. (你不能仅仅将价格乘以二,然后期望每个人都能付款。)


例句:If you times 5 by 3, you get 15. (如果你将5乘以3,就等于15。)

3. 副词


例句:The child kept asking for candy times and times again. (那个孩子一次又一次地要糖果。)


例句:He has been to Japan times before. (他之前去过日本多次。)


1. I have been to New York City three times already. (我已经去过纽约市三次了。)

2. Let's meet at the park at 2 o'clock sharp, okay? (两点钟准时在公园见面,好吗?)

3. The teacher asked the students to solve the math problem five times before moving on to the next one. (老师要求学生在继续下一个数学题之前解决这道题五次。)

4. The clock chimes six times every hour. (这个钟每小时敲六下。)

5. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down for the tenth time that day. (她闭上眼睛,深呼吸,尝试在那天的第十次冷静下来。)


1. Duration(名词):持续时间,指某件事情发生或持续的时间长度。

例句:The duration of the concert was two hours. (音乐会的持续时间是两个小时。)

2. Epoch(名词):时期,指某个特定的历史时期。

例句:The Industrial Revolution marked a new epoch in human history. (工业标志着人类历史上一个新的时期。)

3. Frequency(名词):频率,指某件事情发生或重复发生的次数。

例句:The frequency of earthquakes in this area is quite high. (这个地区地震频率相当高。)

4. Multiply(动词):乘以,与times作为动词时有类似的意思。

例句:You need to multiply the length by the width to get the area of the room. (你需要将长度乘以宽度来得到房间的面积。)

5. Repeatedly(副词):重复地,与times作为副词时有类似的用法。

例句:He kept asking me the same question repeatedly, even though I had already answered it multiple times. (他一再问我同一个问题,即使我已经回答过很多次了。)


