
英语听力2024-04-13 09:34:26小编



Shanghai Fosun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. refers to a medical equipment manufacturing company headquartered in Shanghai, China. The company is committed to providing high-quality medical equipment products and services for patients worldwide, covering multiple fields such as cardiovascular, nervous system, digestive system, and respiratory system.


上海复星医疗器械有限公司 (Shànghǎi fùxīng yīliáo qìxiè yǒuxiàn gōngsī)




1. 上海复星医疗器械有限公司生产的心脏起博器在市场上享有很高的声誉。

The pacemakers produced by Shanghai Fosun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. have a high reputation in the market.

2. 该公司的神经外科手术器械被广泛应用于国内外多家知名医院。

The company's neurosurgical instruments are widely used in many well-known hospitals at home and abroad.

3. 上海复星医疗器械有限公司致力于为患者提供最先进的消化系疗设备。

Shanghai Fosun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is committed to providing patients with the most advanced digestive system treatment equipment.

4. 该公司的呼吸机产品被评为国际医疗界的领先技术。

The company's ventilator products have been recognized as leading technology in the international medical community.

5. 上海复星医疗器械有限公司不断开发新产品,以满足不断增长的市场需求。

Shanghai Fosun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is constantly developing new products to meet the growing market demand.


1. 医疗器械 (yīliáo qìxiè) - 指用于诊断、治疗和预防疾病的各种设备和工具,也可称为医用器材。

Medical equipment - refers to various devices and tools used for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, also known as medical devices.

2. 制造 (zhìzào) - 指通过加工、装配等方式生产产品。

Manufacturing - refers to the production of products through processing, assembly, etc.

3. 专业 (zhuānyè) - 指某一领域或行业的专门知识和技能。

Professional - refers to specialized knowledge and skills in a particular field or industry.

4. 健康水平 (jiànkāng shuǐpíng) - 指个人或群体在身体、心理和社会方面的整体健康状况。

Health level - refers to the overall health status of individuals or groups in terms of physical, psychological and social aspects.

5. 技术进步 (jìshù jìnbù) - 指通过科学技术发展和创新,提高产品质量和性能。

Technological progress - refers to improving product quality and performance through scientific and technological development and innovation.


