
英语听力2024-04-13 09:35:22小编



How to pronounce: [shàng hǎi shì rén shì jú]

Usage: 上海市人事局主要负责管理、监督和服务本地区的、事业单位人员以及其他行政工作人员。

Example Sentence:

1. 上海市人事局近年来推出了一系列优惠,吸引了大量高素质人才加入队伍。

The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has launched a series of preferential policies in recent years, attracting a large number of high-quality talents to join the civil service.

2. 上海市人事局将继续加大对队伍的培训力度,提升其专业化水平。

The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security will continue to increase training efforts for civil servants and improve their level of professionalism.

3. 上海市人事局负责管理的队伍已经达到了10万人,为上海市的发展提供了强大的人才支持。

The civil service managed by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has reached 100,000, providing strong talent support for the development of Shanghai.

4. 上海市人事局将加强对队伍的考核和监督,严格落实绩效考核制度。

The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security will strengthen the assessment and supervision of civil servants, and strictly implement the performance appraisal system.

5. 上海市人事局将进一步优化招录和选拔机制,确保选出最优秀的人才加入队伍。

The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security will further optimize the recruitment and selection mechanism for civil servants to ensure that the best talents are selected to join the civil service.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 人力资源局 (rén lì zī yuán jú): human resources bureau

2. 人事部门 (rén shì bù mén): personnel department

3. 人事管理 (rén shì guǎn lǐ jī gòu): personnel management institution

4. 管理 (gōng wù yuán guǎn lǐ jī gòu): civil service management institution

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