
英语听力2024-04-13 11:38:03小编



How to read: bù duō bù shǎo

Usage: 用作谓语、定语、状语或补语,用于形容数量、言行得当。

Example sentences:

1. 我们的聚会人数不多不少,刚好能够坐满这张桌子。

Our party had just the right number of people to fill this table, not too many nor too few.

2. 她的表演非常成功,不多不少地抓住了观众的心。

Her performance was a great success, capturing the hearts of the audience just right.

3. 这件衣服的尺码不多不少,正合适我穿。

The size of this piece of clothing is just right for me, not too big nor too small.

4. 不多不少地说了一句话,却引起了巨大的争议。

A simple statement caused a huge controversy, just like that.

5. 他的建议很中肯,让大家感觉他说得很有道理,不多不少地把握住了问题的关键。

His suggestion was very insightful, making everyone feel that he spoke with reason and managed to grasp the key issue just right.

Synonyms and usage: 恰到好处、适量、合宜、恰如其分

Editor's summary:

「不多不少」is an idiom that means an appropriate amount or just right. It can also describe words or actions as appropriate and suitable.

This phrase can be used as a predicate, attributive, adverb, or complement to describe an appropriate quantity or behavior.

Some synonyms for 「不多不少」are 「恰到好处」(just right), 「适量」(appropriate amount), 「合宜」(suitable), and 「恰如其分」(appropriate).
