
英语听力2024-04-13 13:06:15小编


不遑启处(bù yǎng qǐ chù)意为在某种场合或情况下没有适当的机会或条件,无法展开行动或表达自己的想法。这个短语源于古代诗文,多用来形容身处困境或局限时的无奈与无力。


bù yǎng qǐ chù (bú yáng qǐ chù)




1. 在这场紧急上,我们不遑启处,必须立刻找到解决问题的办法。(In this emergency meeting, we cannot afford to delay and must find a solution immediately.)

2. 考试前夜,他被突发的高烧所困,不得不选择放弃复习,实在是不遑启处。(The night before the exam, he was struck by a sudden high fever and had to give up on studying. He was really in a difficult situation.)

3. 老师讲课时学生们都很认真听讲,没有人敢打断老师的话,因为他们知道这时候是不遑启处的。(The students were all listening attentively during the teacher's lecture, and no one dared to interrupt because they knew it was not appropriate to do so.)

4. 部门面临着巨大的压力和挑战,必须在短时间内做出决策,但他们不遑启处,仍然尽力做出最好的决定。(The government is facing immense pressure and challenges, and must make decisions in a short period of time. However, they are not in a position to act and are still trying their best to make the best decision.)

5. 在这个陌生的城市里,她感到孤单和无助,不知道该如何融入这里的生活,真是不遑启处。(In this unfamiliar city, she felt lonely and helpless, not knowing how to fit into the life here. She was really in a difficult situation.)


1. 不得已(bù dé yǐ):表示无奈、被迫或没有选择。

2. 不得要领(bù dé yào lǐng):指对某件事情没有把握或不知所措。

3. 无从下手(wú cóng xià shǒu):指无法开始行动或解决问题。

4. 无计可施(wú jì kě shī):指没有任何办法或措施可采取。


