
英语听力2024-04-13 19:09:38小编




"Weightier than others" means that someone or something plays an important role at a decisive moment and has a decisive influence. This phrase is often used to describe someone or something that holds a crucial position and has a significant impact in a certain field.


举足轻重:jǔ zú qīng zhòng



"Weightier than others" can be used to describe someone who holds a crucial position and has a significant influence in a group or organization, or to describe something that plays a decisive role in a task or activity. It is usually used in formal occasions to express high praise for someone or something.


1. 在公司里,他是一位举足轻重的领导,经常做出明智的决策。

In the company, he is a weightier than others leader who often makes wise decisions.

2. 这位著名科学家在该领域中举足轻重,他的研究成果对整个行业都有深远的影响。

This renowned scientist holds a crucial position in this field, and his research achievements have a profound impact on the entire industry.

3. 这本书被认为是世界文学史上举足轻重的作品之一,它对后世的影响不可估量。

This book is considered one of the weightier than others works in world literary history, and its influence on future generations is immeasurable.

4. 作为这个项目的负责人,你将承担起举足轻重的责任,你需要做出明智的决策来确保项目顺利完成。

As the person in charge of this project, you will bear a weightier than others responsibility, and you need to make wise decisions to ensure the smooth completion of the project.

5. 在这次上,他发表了一场关于环保问题的演讲,他的观点被认为是非常举足轻重的,并引起了与会者们的广泛讨论。

At this conference, he gave a speech on environmental issues, and his views were considered very weightier than others and sparked extensive discussions among participants.


1. 重要性 (importance):指某人或某事物在整体中具有重要的地位和作用,强调其价值和影响力。

2. 关键性 (cruciality):指某人或某事物在决定性的时刻起着至关重要的作用,强调其决定性的影响力。

3. 要角 (key figure):指某人在某个领域中具有重要地位和影响力,强调其关键性和决定作用。

4. 首脑 (leader):指某人在团体或组织中具有领导地位和权威,强调其主导能力和影响力。

5. 焦点 (focus):指某事物在某个方面具有显著的地位和作用,强调其集中注意力的重要程度。

1. Importance: refers to the important position and role of someone or something in the whole, emphasizing their value and influence.

2. Cruciality: refers to the crucial role played by someone or something at a decisive moment, emphasizing its decisive influence.

3. Key figure: refers to someone who holds an important position and has influence in a certain field, emphasizing their key role and decisive impact.

4. Leader: refers to someone who holds a leadership position and authority in a group or organization, emphasizing their leadership ability and influence.

5. Focus: refers to the significant position and role of something in a certain aspect, emphasizing the importance of focusing on it.


