
英语听力2024-04-13 19:10:47小编



Nai is a classical Chinese word, often used as a particle to express emphasis or affirmation. In modern Chinese, nai is rarely used, but it can still be found in literary works or ancient texts.



Nai is pronounced as "nǎi" with the third tone.



Nai is usually used as a particle at the end of a sentence. It can emphasize the previous content or affirm something. Sometimes it can also be used to give orders or make requests.


1. 你们乃是我最亲爱的朋友。

You are my dearest friends.

2. 这部电影乃是今年最佳影片。

This movie is the best film of the year.

3. 我已经告诉过你了,你就是乃是这个项目的负责人。

I have already told you, you are the one in charge of this project.

4. 请你们速速离开此地,乃是我的命令。

I command you to leave this place immediately.

5. 乃可否帮我一个忙?

Can you do me a favor?


1. 是(shì):与乃一样,是也是一个助词,但使用频率更高,没有强调的语气。

2. 确实(què shí):也可以用来表示肯定的意思,但更多的是用来强调事实的真实性。

3. 实在(shí zài):可以表示肯定的意思,但更多地用来表示事物的真实性或者确切性。

4. 确凿(què záo):可以表示肯定的意思,但更多地指事实或证据明确无误。

5. 的确(dí què):也可以表示肯定的意思,但更多地指事实或证据明确无误。

1. Shi (shì): Like nai, shi is also a particle, but it is used more frequently and does not have an emphatic tone.

2. Que shi (què shí): It can also be used to express affirmation, but it is more often used to emphasize the truth of a fact.

3. Shi zai (shí zài): It can express affirmation, but it is more commonly used to indicate the truth or accuracy of something.

4. Que zao (què záo): It can express affirmation, but it is more commonly used to indicate the certainty of facts or evidence.

5. Di que (dí què): It can also express affirmation, but it is more commonly used to indicate the certainty of facts or evidence.


