
英语听力2024-04-14 02:22:04小编



He has been doing the same job since he was a child, for 50 years. means that a person has been engaged in the same job since childhood and has been persisting for 50 years. This situation usually occurs in those who are passionate about their profession, have professional skills and experience. Such people have a deep knowledge and experience in the same job, and can be called industry experts.


他从小就干这同一件工作,有五十年了。[tā cóng xiǎo jiù gàn zhè tóng yī jiàn gōng zuò, yǒu wǔ shí nián le.]




1. 他从小就干这同一件工作,有五十年了,所以在这个领域里他是无可匹敌的。

He has been doing the same job since he was a child, for 50 years, so he is unmatched in this field.

2. 这位老师从小就干这同一件工作,有五十年了,对于教学方法和技巧已经是驾轻就熟。

This teacher has been doing the same job since he was a child, for 50 years, and is already familiar with teaching methods and techniques.

3. 那位老匠人从小就干这同一件工作,有五十年了,他手艺精湛,制作的木雕被誉为艺术品。

That old craftsman has been doing the same job since he was a child, for 50 years. His craftsmanship is superb and his wooden carvings are hailed as works of art.

4. 她从小就干这同一件工作,有五十年了,在她的指导下,公司取得了巨大的成功。

She has been doing the same job since she was a child, for 50 years. Under her guidance, the company has achieved great success.

5. 这家餐馆已经开业五十年了,老板从小就干这同一件工作。他们家的招牌菜是传承了五十年的秘方。

This restaurant has been in business for 50 years, and the owner has been doing the same job since he was a child. Their signature dish is a secret recipe that has been passed down for 50 years.


1. 从事同一工作,有五十年了 [cóng shì tóng yī gōng zuò, yǒu wǔ shí nián le]:指一个人从事同一份工作,已经坚持了50年。

2. 长期从事同一职业 [cháng qī cóng shì tóng yī zhí yè]:指一个人长期从事同一职业,具有丰富的经验和知识。

3. 职业专家 [zhí yè zhuān jiā]:指在某个领域具有深厚知识和经验的专家。


