
英语听力2024-04-14 04:29:01小编



How to read: chuán dòng gān (音标:/tʂwɑn dɔŋ ɡæn/)

Usage: 传动杆可以用于各种机械装置中,如汽车发动机、工业机器人、电子设备等。它可以连接不同的部件,使其协调运作,从而实现特定的功能。

Example sentences:

1. 汽车发动机中的传动杆起着重要作用,它将发动机产生的能量传递给车轮,使汽车得以前进。

The transmission rod plays a crucial role in the car engine, transferring the energy produced by the engine to the wheels, enabling the car to move forward.

2. 这台工业机器人采用了最新的传动杆技术,可以更精准地完成复杂的操作。

This industrial robot adopts the latest transmission rod technology, allowing it to perform complex tasks with greater precision.

3. 电子设备中的传动杆经过精密加工,能够稳定地传递电流和信号。

The transmission rod in electronic devices is processed with precision, ensuring stable transmission of electricity and signals.

4. 传动杆的设计非常重要,它需要具备足够的强度和耐久性,以应对高强度的运转。

The design of the transmission rod is crucial, as it needs to have sufficient strength and durability to withstand high-intensity operation.

5. 在这种机械装置中,传动杆起到连接和传递作用,使得各个部件协调运行。

In this mechanical device, the transmission rod serves as a connection and transfer component, allowing all parts to operate in coordination.

Synonyms and usage: 传动杆也可以被称为“传递杆”、“传动轴”、“连接杆”等,它们都指代同一种机械零件。在不同的行业和领域中,可能会有不同的叫法,但其基本功能和用法是相同的。

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