
英语听力2024-04-14 04:35:06小编



Traditional customs refer to the behavior patterns and ways of thinking that people have formed in long-term life and passed down from generation to generation. It includes social customs, etiquette norms, moral standards, and daily habits. These traditional customs reflect to some extent the cultural characteristics and values of a nation or region.


/trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈkʌstəm/



Traditional customs are usually associated with specific festivals, ceremonies or occasions, and are codes of conduct that people follow in certain contexts. They can help people better understand and respect local cultures, as well as contribute to maintaining social order and stability.


1. Chinese New Year is a time when we observe many traditional customs, such as giving red envelopes to children for good luck. (新年是我们遵循许多传统习惯的时候,比如给孩子们红包以求好运。)

2. In Japan, it is considered impolite to wear shoes inside someone's home, as it goes against their traditional customs. (在日本,穿鞋进入别人家里被认为是不礼貌的,因为这违背了他们的传统习惯。)

3. The wedding ceremony was filled with traditional customs, from the bride wearing a white dress to the groom giving a speech to thank their families. (婚礼仪式上充满了传统习惯,从新娘穿白色婚纱到新郎发表感谢家人的演讲。)

4. Despite living in a modern city, many people in India still hold onto their traditional customs and beliefs. (尽管生活在一个现代化的城市,但印度许多人仍然坚持他们的传统习惯和信仰。)

5. Learning about different cultures and their traditional customs can broaden our perspectives and help us appreciate diversity. (了解不同文化及其传统习惯可以拓宽我们的视野,帮助我们欣赏多样性。)


1. Cultural traditions - 文化传统

2. Ancestral practices - 祖先的做法

3. Customary rituals - 习俗仪式

4. Time-honored conventions - 历史悠久的惯例

5. Folklore traditions - 民俗传统


