
英语听力2024-04-14 09:59:04小编



倭狨(wō róng)是一种灵活机敏的灰色小型猴子,主要分布在西南部和东南亚地区。它们属于灵长类动物,具有长尾巴、长手臂和精巧的手指,能够在树上轻松移动。倭狨也被称为“鼠猴”、“灰叶猴”或“树顶猴”。

Wō róng (saddleback tamarin) is a type of agile and alert small monkey with grey fur, mainly distributed in southwestern China and Southeast Asia. They belong to the primate family, with long tails, arms and dexterous fingers, enabling them to move easily on trees. Wō róng is also known as "rat monkey", "grey leaf monkey" or "canopy monkey".


倭狨的拼音为wō róng,读音为/wəʊ rɒŋ/。

The pronunciation of Wō róng is /wəʊ rɒŋ/.



Wō róng is usually used as a noun, referring to this type of small monkey. They live in the canopy layer, foraging for food and building nests on trees. They have very flexible bodies and sharp eyesight, making it easy for them to adapt to the environment of the canopy layer. Wō róng is also a beloved pet, but due to its sensitivity and need for special living conditions, it is not suitable as a domesticated animal.


1. 这个公园里有许多倭狨在树上跳来跳去。

There are many Wō róng jumping around in the trees in this park.

2. 倭狨是非常聪明和灵活的动物,它们能够轻松地从一个树枝跳到另一个树枝。

Wō róng is a very intelligent and agile animal, able to easily jump from one branch to another.

3. 倭狨的尾巴比它们的身体还要长,这有助于它们在树上保持平衡。

The tail of Wō róng is longer than their body, which helps them maintain balance on trees.

4. 这个动物园里有一对可爱的倭狨,它们总是在一起玩耍。

There is a pair of adorable Wō róng in this zoo, always playing together.

5. 倭狨被认为是西南部和东南亚地区的特有物种。

Wō róng is considered to be an endemic species in southwestern China and Southeast Asia.


1. 鼠猴(shǔ hóu):也是倭狨的别称,指代这种小型猴子。与倭狨一样,鼠猴也属于灵长类动物,具有灰色的毛发和长尾巴。

2. 灰叶猴(huī yè hóu):又称灰叶猴、树顶猴,与倭狨属于同一科,具有相似的外表和生活习性。

3. 树顶猴(shù dǐng hóu):也是倭狨的别称,指代这种生活在树冠层的小型灵长类动物。

1. Shǔ hóu (rat monkey): Also a synonym for Wō róng, referring to this type of small monkey. Like Wō róng, shǔ hóu belongs to the primate family, with grey fur and a long tail.

2. Huī yè hóu (grey leaf monkey): Also known as huī yè hóu or canopy monkey, it belongs to the same family as Wō róng, with similar appearance and living habits.

3. Shù dǐng hóu (canopy monkey): Another synonym for Wō róng, referring to this type of small primate living in the canopy layer.


