
英语听力2024-04-14 10:00:30小编




Debt is the right of a creditor to demand performance of obligations from a debtor, or the payment obligations agreed upon between the two parties. In economic activities, debt usually refers to money owed, but it can also be in other forms such as goods, services or other resources. Debts are usually determined by a contract signed by both parties to establish their rights and obligations.


zhài [zhàɪ]


1. 债作为名词使用,表示欠款或者约定的付款义务。

2. 在经济学中,债也可以指、企业或个人所担负的全部负债。

3. 债作为动词使用时,表示欠下某种负债。

1. As a noun, debt refers to an amount owed or an agreed payment obligation.

2. In economics, debt can also refer to all liabilities of a country, company or individual.

3. When used as a verb, debt means owing a certain liability.


1. 我们需要还清所有的债务,才能申请贷款购买房屋。

We need to pay off all our debts before we can apply for a loan to buy a house.

2. 这笔债务将在明年到期,我们需要尽快偿还。

This debt will mature next year and we need to repay it as soon as possible.

3. 由于经济不景气,他们无法偿还巨额的债务。

Due to the economic downturn, they were unable to repay their massive debts.

4. 他们签订了一份合同,约定在五年内偿还所有的债务。

They signed a contract to repay all their debts within five years.

5. 债权人可以通过法律手段追回欠款。

Creditors can recover their debts through legal means.


1. 欠款(qiàn kuǎn):指欠下的金钱或其他资源。

2. 负债(fù zhài):指企业或个人所担负的全部债务。

3. 借贷(jiè dài):指向他人借入或者借出货币或其他资源。

1. Debt (qiàn kuǎn): refers to the money or other resources owed.

2. Liabilities (fù zhài): refers to all the debts that a company or individual is responsible for.

3. Borrowing and lending (jiè dài): refers to borrowing or lending money or other resources from others.


