
英语听力2024-04-14 10:23:46小编


假惺惺的(jiǎ xìng xìng)是指表面上虚情假意,内心却毫无实质的真诚。通常用来形容人的行为虚伪,没有真实感情。

How to pronounce: jiǎ xìng xìng

Usage: 假惺惺的一般用来形容人的行为,表示表面上假装关心、友好,但内心却没有真正的感情。

Example sentences:

1. 她对我一直都是假惺惺的,从来不会真心关心我。

She has always been hypocritical towards me, never genuinely caring about me.

2. 他表现得很假惺惺,但其实他根本就不在乎别人的感受。

He acts very hypocritical, but he actually doesn't care about other people's feelings at all.

3. 我们都知道他只是在假惺惺地安慰我们,根本不会帮助我们解决问题。

We all know he is just hypocritically comforting us, and won't actually help us solve the problem.

4. 她总是对别人故作假惺惺地说些甜言蜜语,让人很难相信她的诚意。

She always pretends to be kind and caring towards others, making it hard for people to believe her sincerity.

5. 他看起来很友好,但其实他只是在假惺惺地讨好老板。

He seems very friendly, but in reality he is just hypocritically trying to please the boss.

Synonyms and usage: 虚伪(xū wěi):指表面上假装,不真实。可以用来替换“假惺惺”的用法。

Editor's summary: 假惺惺的一词通常用来形容人的行为虚伪,没有真实感情。它的同义词是“虚伪”,可以替换使用。在写作中要注意避免使用重复的词汇,增加文章的多样性和可读性。
