
英语听力2024-04-14 18:24:15小编




Winter Solstice, also known as Dongzhi, is one of the traditional Chinese festivals and the 22nd solar term in the Chinese calendar. It marks the sun's position at 270 degrees of the ecliptic and the shortest daylight and longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter Solstice is also known as "Little New Year" and holds important rituals and food customs in Chinese folk culture.





Winter Solstice usually refers to the sixth or seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, which falls on December 21st or 22nd in the Gregorian calendar. In China, people celebrate this festival by worshipping ancestors and eating tangyuan (glutinous rice balls). In addition, there are unique customs such as eating dumplings and tofu in southern China. Winter Solstice is also seen as the beginning of a new year, and people will do a thorough cleaning, wear new clothes to welcome the upcoming year.


1. 冬至是传统节日,人们会在这一天吃汤圆来庆祝。(Winter Solstice is a traditional Chinese festival, and people celebrate it by eating tangyuan.)

2. 冬至也被视为新年的开始,人们会在这一天进行大扫除、换新衣服等准备迎接新年。(Winter Solstice is also seen as the beginning of a new year, and people will do a thorough cleaning, wear new clothes to welcome the upcoming year.)

3. 在南方地区,冬至有着吃饺子、吃豆腐等特色习俗。(In southern China, there are unique customs such as eating dumplings and tofu during Winter Solstice.)

4. 冬至这天,太阳的位置到达黄经270度,北半球的白昼最短,黑夜最长。(On Winter Solstice, the sun's position reaches 270 degrees of the ecliptic, marking the shortest daylight and longest night in the Northern Hemisphere.)

5. 我们家每年冬至都会做一桌丰盛的菜肴来庆祝这个传统节日。(We always prepare a feast to celebrate this traditional festival on Winter Solstice every year in our family.)



Synonyms for Winter Solstice include "Dongjie" and "Xiaonian", which both refer to the sixth or seventh day of the twelfth lunar month. In southern China, there is also another term called "Dongjie", but it refers to the sixth or seventh day of the eleventh lunar month, which falls on November 21st or 22nd in the Gregorian calendar. Apart from these commonly used synonyms, "Winter Solstice Festival" or "Winter Solstice Day" can also be used.


