
英语听力2024-04-14 23:44:37小编




What does "到国外去度蜜月,过二人世界。" mean (Chinese-English) explanation:

This phrase refers to two people traveling abroad during their honeymoon period, enjoying a romantic time together. It is usually a short vacation chosen by newlyweds or lovers after marriage. This trip can make the two people closer and deepen their relationship.


dào guó wài qù dù mì yuè, guò èr rén shì jiè.

Pronunciation: [daʊ̯ kwɔ́ wâi tɕʰŷ dù mì yùə̌, kwɔ̀ ə́r ʐə̌n ʂɨ̀ tɕjê.]




This phrase is commonly used to describe two people traveling abroad during their honeymoon period, enjoying a romantic time together. It can be used as a vacation plan after marriage or as a romantic trip between lovers.


1. 我们决定到国外去度蜜月,过二人世界。

We decided to travel abroad for our honeymoon and enjoy some alone time together.

2. 他们在巴厘岛度过了一个浪漫的二人世界。

They had a romantic time together in Bali.

3. 新婚夫妇选择到欧洲去度蜜月,体验二人世界的浪漫氛围。

The newlyweds chose to travel to Europe for their honeymoon, experiencing the romantic atmosphere of being alone together.

4. 在蜜月期间,他们享受了到国外去度蜜月,过二人世界的浪漫时光。

During their honeymoon, they enjoyed the romantic time of traveling abroad and being alone together.

5. 她梦想着和未来的丈夫一起到国外去度蜜月,享受二人世界的美好时光。

She dreams of traveling abroad with her future husband for their honeymoon and enjoying the beautiful time of being alone together.


1. 蜜月旅行 (mì yuè lǚ xíng):指新婚夫妇在结婚后的度假旅行,通常是为了享受二人世界的浪漫时光。

Synonym: Honeymoon trip.

2. 浪漫旅行 (làng màn lǚ xíng):指两个人在一起旅行,享受浪漫时光。

Synonym: Romantic trip.

3. 二人世界 (èr rén shì jiè):指只有两个人在一起,享受彼此的时光。

Synonym: Alone together.

4. 结婚之旅 (jié hūn zhī lǚ):指新婚夫妇选择到国外旅行,庆祝他们的结婚。

Synonym: Wedding trip.

5. 爱情之旅 (ài qíng zhī lǚ):指恋人之间选择到国外旅行,加深彼此的感情。

Synonym: Love trip.


