
英语听力2024-04-15 01:20:11小编




"Gōng kuī yī zhuì" means that the efforts made can ultimately fail due to a small mistake or deficiency, and can also be understood as "achieving success but failing at the last moment". This idiom comes from "The Records of the Grand Historian · Biography of Han Fei": "If one wants to do something well, they must first prepare their tools. If they take up a position and act with the aim of gaining benefits, but do not understand the advantages and disadvantages, there is a danger of failing at the last moment." This means that when doing things, one must consider all aspects in advance, otherwise there may be a risk of failure.


gōng kuī yī zhuì (gong1 kui1 yi1 zhui4)



功亏一篑 is usually used to describe the situation where one's efforts are in vain due to certain reasons. It can also be used to refer to a small mistake or deficiency that leads to failure at the last moment. It is often used in writing, speeches, conversations, etc.


1. 他本来可以成功的,但是因为一个小小的疏忽,最终功亏一篑了。

He could have succeeded, but due to a small oversight, he failed at the last moment.

2. 这次比赛他表现得很出色,可惜最后一步却功亏一篑,没有拿到冠。

He performed very well in this competition, but unfortunately failed at the last step and did not win the championship.

3. 我们不能因为害怕失败而不去努力,否则可能会功亏一篑。

We cannot be afraid of failure and not make efforts, otherwise we may end up with nothing in the end.

4. 他花了很多时间准备这次面试,可惜最后一个问题答错了,功亏一篑。

He spent a lot of time preparing for this interview, but unfortunately he got the last question wrong and failed at the last moment.

5. 在做任何事情之前,我们都要考虑到各种可能的因素,以免最后功亏一篑。

Before doing anything, we should consider all possible factors to avoid failure at the last moment.


1. 功败垂成:与功亏一篑意思相近,都指在最后关头失败。

2. 水中捞月:比喻做事情不切实际,最终无法达成目标。

3. 画饼充饥:比喻空想或者不切实际的计划无法解决现实问题。

4. 杯水车薪:比喻力量太小,解决不了问题。

5. 半途而废:指做事情中途放弃。

1. Failure at the last moment: similar to the meaning of "功亏一篑", both refer to failure at the last moment.

2. Trying to catch the moon in water: metaphor for unrealistic actions that cannot achieve their goals.

3. Drawing a cake to satisfy hunger: metaphor for unrealistic plans that cannot solve practical problems.

4. A drop in the bucket: metaphor for insufficient strength that cannot solve problems.

5. Giving up halfway: means giving up in the middle of doing something.


