
英语听力2024-04-15 03:01:03小编



(Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 wind load and response research is the process of studying the structural response of Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport under different wind loads. This research aims to provide reference for building a safer and more stable terminal by analyzing the structural response under wind loads.)

二:怎么读(音标):[běi jīng shǒu dū jī chǎng sān hào háng zhàn lóu fēng hè zài hé xiǎng yìng yán jiū]


(Usage: This phrase is commonly used to introduce and describe research on building structures, especially in relation to wind loads and structural responses.)


1. 北京首都机场3号航站楼风荷载和响应研究是为了确保航站楼的结构在恶劣天气条件下仍能保持稳定。(The research on wind load and response of Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport is to ensure the structural stability of the terminal under harsh weather conditions.)

2. 这项研究将利用先进的技术手段来模拟不同风荷载对航站楼结构的影响,从而提供可靠的数据支持。(This research will use advanced techniques to simulate the impact of different wind loads on the terminal structure, providing reliable data support.)

3. 在北京首都机场3号航站楼风荷载和响应研究中,研究人员采用某种特殊材料可以有效减轻结构受风力影响的程度。(In the research on wind load and response of Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport, researchers found that using a certain type of material can effectively reduce the impact of wind on the structure.)

4. 通过对北京首都机场3号航站楼风荷载和响应研究的实验数据分析,我们可以得出结论,在某种特定风速下,航站楼结构产生最大位移的情况。(By analyzing experimental data from the research on wind load and response of Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport, we can conclude that under a certain wind speed, the terminal structure experiences maximum displacement.)

5. 北京首都机场3号航站楼风荷载和响应研究的结果将为未来建造类似结构的项目提供重要的参考和指导。(The results of the research on wind load and response of Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport will provide important references and guidance for future projects with similar structures.)


(Synonyms and usage: The research on wind load and response of Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport can also be referred to as "wind load study", "structural response research", "wind impact analysis", etc. These terms can all be used to describe similar research.)

